IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.151. Building inscription from the walls

Description: Nine blocks of limestone, some incomplete (length varying, h: 0.45, depths varying).
Text: Inscribed on one face between pilasters of which only part of the right one now survives.
Letters: Augustan line 1, 0.245; line 2, 0.29; line 3, 0.23.

Date: 12-10 BCE

Findspot: Cyrene: Acropolis Gate, three courses of the outer wall of the acropolis defences; found in 1924
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location: Lying beside the gate on the West side.


[Imp(eratore)] Caesare Augusto pont(ifice) max(imo) Q(uintus) Lucanius Proculus proco(n)s(ul) muros arcis reficiend(os) cur(auit)



Italian translation

Translation source: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936

Essendo imperatore Cesare Augusto pontefice massimo - Il proconsule Quinto Lucanio Proculo - provvide a restaurare le mura dell'acropoli.

English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

For [Emperor] Caesar Augustus, pontifex maximus: Q(uintus) Lucanius Proculus, proconsul, was responsible for restoring the walls of the citadel


line 1: In or after 12 BCE. The selection of this one title here and in the contemporary C.319, line 1, might suggest that it was recently conferred when they were cut.

Line 2: Q(uintus) Lucanius Proculus: PIR2 L 348; also in C.319, and perhaps C.104, but not otherwise known.

Line 3: Oliverio proposed to connect the work with the Marmaric War ending in 3 CE, see GVCyr 27, line 1; Romanelli, more cautiously, relates it to the Marmaric danger in general.

Bibliography: Ghislanzoni, 1925, 408-9 and fig. 1, whence AE 1927.140; Oliverio, DAI, 1932-1933, 54, p. 181 pl. XXXV, figs. 53]66, 54]67, 55]68, whence AE 1934.256, whence EDH 027193; see also Oliverio, 1931, 23, Oliverio, 1940, 412, Romanelli, 1943, 80; cited Gasperini, 1965, 212 note 1; mentioned Kenrick, 2013, 182.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Face, first 3 blocks (Department of Antiquities, E.314)

   Fig. 2. Face, centre blocks (Department of Antiquities, E.637)

   Fig. 3. Face, last 3 blocks (Department of Antiquities, E.315)