IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.118. Honours for Tiberius

Description: Marble panel (original measurements, w: 0.85 x h: 0.85), later cut down to form a base for an octagonal altar (max width w: 0.77 x h: 0.76).
Text: Inscribed on one face.
Letters: First century CE; line 1, 0.075; lines 2, 3, 0.055; line 4, 0.05; dot for stops; apices above E in line 3 and V, A and the first o in line 4.

Date: CE 4-14

Findspot: Cyrene: Agora, North Stoa; found in 1917.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location: Findspot (2008).


[T]ị(berius) Ịulius ((stop)) Aug[usti Caesaris filius]
( vac. 1) ((stop)) diui ((stop)) nepos ((stop)) Ca[esaris c. 12]
( vac. 2 lines)
( vac. 1) M(arcus) ((stop)) Sufenas ((stop)) M(arci) ((stop)) f(ilius) ((stop)) P[roculus praef(ectus)?] ( vac. 1)
( vac. 1) coh(ortis) ((stop)) Lusitanorụ[m Cyrenaicae?] ( vac. 1)


[.]..ULIUS AUG[..................]
   DIUI NEPOS CA[......············]
  M SUFENAS M F P[............]  
  COH LUSITANOR.[...........]  


1: Aug[usti filius] Gasperini, 1965
3: P[roculus . . .] Gasperini, 1965

English translation

Translation by: Editors

Tiberius Julius [son of] Aug[ustus Caesar], grandson of deified Ca[esar . . . ] Marcus Sufenas son of Marcus, P[roculus, prefect?] of the cohort of the Lusitanians [?of Cyrenaica] (scil. honoured him).



Line 1: The line length is established by line 3 and seems to us to impose a longer supplement than Gasperini's The date is CE 4-14, after Tiberius was adopted by Augustus and before the latter's death.

Line 2: Perhaps co(n)s(ul) imp(erator) II trib(unicia) pot(estate), although the order of titles may have varied.

Line 3: M. Sufenas Proculus: Also in C.9, C.225, C.226 and perhaps C.436, in the first three without title, in all concerned with buildings for the imperial cult and in C.225, C.226, as here, with the cult of Tiberius as heir. Reynolds suggested that the absence of title might suggest that he was a local, of Italian immigrant descent; Demougin, art.cit., examined his Italian family. Alternatively, as Reynolds pointed out, the absence of his title is simply due to tactful unwillingness to stress the military basis of his authority

Line 4: Strictly, as Gasperini notes, the title might be trib.coh. but it is very unlikely since there is no evidence that this cohort was of milliaria strength - so c.800 men, the level commanded by a tribune. Demougin suggested the addition of the cohort's title Cyrenaica here, since this is presumably the cohort known as cohors I Lusitanorum Cyrenaica, attested in several diplomata, at Philippopolis (CIL XVI.45 of CE 99), and in Moesia Inferior (AE 1977.0747 from which EDH 020722). The title implies that it had at one stage been stationed in Cyrenaica - presumably during the Marmaric War which terminated in CE 2; see GV Cyr27 and J. Desanges, Un drame africain (1968).

Bibliography: L. Gasperini in Gasperini, 1965, 327 and pl. LIX. 7-8; Gasperini, 1967a 173-174, 33, fig. 216; Demougin, 1978, 620, whence AE 1978.830, whence EDH 004639; see most recently Zucca, 2007
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Monument (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 2. Face (Department of Antiquities, E. 496)

   Fig. 3. Face (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 4. Face (2008, H.Walda)