Description: Rock-cut tomb, inscribed on the façade with T.428, T.429,
T.430, T.431, T.432, T.433,
T.434, T.435,
T.436, T.437, T.438.
Text: Inscribed in an undefined rectangular area (w:
0.40 x h:
0.30), to the right of T.433.
Letters: 0.08; lunate epsilon, lunate sigma, cursive omega, L for ἐτῶν.
Date: First century CE
Quarry East XIV. First recorded in 1936; not reported subsequently.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
Findspot (1936).
Italian translation
Translation source: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
Anno -. Nonna di Dositeo, di anni 20.
German translation
Translation source: Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983
. . . Nonna des Dositheos, 20 (Jahre)
English translation
Translation by: Editors
[Year ? . . . N]onna (scil. daughter) of Dositheos, aged 20.
No comment (2020).
Bibliography: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936, 377 (251, La.XIV.3,10), p. 217, pl. LXXXI, fig. 45, whence SEG 9.642; Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983, 44.k.
Text constituted from: Transcription from photograph (Reynolds).
None available (2020).