IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

T.216. Fragmentary imperial titulature

Description: Sandstone block (w: 1.37 x h: 0.41 x d: 0.39). Perhaps to be associated with T.217.
Text: Inscribed on one of the exposed faces which is damaged below.
Letters: Probably first century CE; 0.22

Date: Probably first century CE

Findspot: Taucheira: South area of the city; recorded in 1963.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location: Unknown


[... Germani]cum tr[ibunicia potestate ---]



English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

. . . victor in Germa]nia, holding tr[ibunician power . . .


If the lettering is correctly dated the first surviving word must be Germani]cum, and the emperor therefore Gaius, Claudius, Nero or Domitian. Perhaps to be associated with one or all of the monumental texts in Latin, (T.3, T.216, T.217, T.247,) recorded in the area of the city wall nearby; and if the connection with T.247 is accepted, the erasure there eliminates Claudius, and probably points to Domitian.

Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Face (Reynolds NS.VIII.5)