IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

P.402. Fragmentary ephebic names

Description: Limestone block broken away at right side and damaged below (w: 0.86 x h: 0.52 x d: 0.16).
Text: Inscribed on one face; at least two hands.
Letters: First-second century CE; 0.10; lunate epsilon and sigma in line 3.

Date: First-second century CE

Findspot: Ptolemais: Village, by the seashore, near the lighthouse.
Original location: Probably a gymnasium.
Last recorded location: Tolmeita Museum.


-ιος ΥΕ ΠΑ[---]
δὶϲ ἔφηβο̣[ϲ---]
ΠΑΝ ΑΓ̣[---]



2: ΥΕ is apparently a monogram, perhaps attached to the preceding Σ.

English translation

Translation by:

. . . ] ephebe for a second time [ . . .


There appear to be two names listed here at different times - note the different forms of sigma in lines 2 and 3.

Lines 1-2: Perhaps a patronymic ending in -ιος; alternatively, the name of a Roman citizen, Τι. Κλαυδ/ιος might just fit the traces.

Line 2: ΥΕ is apparently one of the monograms found in ephebic texts, expressing the relationship between two ephebes.

Line 3: for the expression cf. T.74 δὶς ἔφηβος, T.44 and perhaps T.729 τρὶς ἔφηβος.

Line 4 may have given another name, but may have contained some laudatory epithet, e.g. παντάγαθος.

Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


None available (2020).