stele broken at the left side (w:
0.24 x h:
0.30 x d:
Text: Inscribed on one face within a crudely incised wreath with taenia
Letters: Line 1, 0.045:lines 2, 3, 0.025; line 4, 0.02; lines 5, 6, 0.015. A caduceus at the end of line 1 and a leaf at the end of
line 4.
Date: First century BCE to second century CE
original findspot unrecorded.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Tolmeita Museum
English translation
Translation by: Editors
Year 11, Pentias, (scil. son) of Agathokles, (scil. his) friend (scil. honoured?) Gaios Pakkios Paelignos (i.e. Gaius Paccius Paelignus).
Arabic translation
Translation by: Muna Abdelhamed
السنة 11، بنتياس، (بن) أغاثوكليس ، (صديقه) صديق، (كرم) غايوس باكيوس باليغنوس.
The reference to a friend makes it clear that the text is ephebic (see further on P.9, P.35).
Line 4-5: For the name cf. a governor of Crete and Cyrene, probably in the first century, L. Laecanius Bassus Paccius Paelignus, PIR2 L 0034, and Thomassen, Laterculi 38.0063.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).
None available (2020).