Rock-cut tomb.
Text: Inscribed on the façade above the door within a rectangular panel (w:
0.44 x h:
0.88) flanked by pillars in relief upholding a moulded architrave above.
Letters: 0.04; lunate epsilon and lunate sigma.
Date: Probably first to second centuries CE
in the passage between Quarry I.b.i and Quarry I c, south wall; first recorded in 1825
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
1: LΙΒ*ΜΟΥΙΔ Pacho, 18272: ΤΙΡΑΕΑΓΟΡΝΩΛΝΟΙϹ Pacho, 1827; [Π]ρα[ξ]αγόρ[α Εὐφά]ν[ευ]ς CIG, Vol.III
3: II with a superscript bar Pacho, 1827; L ι CIG, Vol.III
English translation
Translation source: Reynolds, 1983
Year 12, Pharmouthi 4, Praxagora, (scil. daughter) of ?Joanes, aged 13.
The name may indicate a Jew; see Reynolds loc.cit.
Bibliography: Pacho, 1827 pl. LXXVIII (printed as LXXIX) and Letronne, p. 402, whence CIG, Vol.III, 5226; Reynolds, 1983, 5, whence SEG 33.1376, PHI 324560.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).