Rock-cut tomb
Text: Inscribed on the façade within a rough tabella ansata (w:
0.41 x h:
0.25) below round-headed niche containg a female bust in relief.
Letters: Probably first century; 0.035 - 0.04; lunate epsilon and sigma
Date: Probably first century CE
in the passage between Quarry I.b.i and Quarry I c, south wall; first recorded in 1825
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
1: Not by Pacho.2: ΚΛΕΙΙΙΙ ΥΠ Pacho, 1827; Κλε . . . CIG, Vol.III; ΚΑΕ Robinson, 1913
3: ΛΙΡΑΙ Pacho, 1827; omitted CIG, Vol.III; ΛΙΡΛΕ Robinson, 1913
4: ΟΕ at end Pacho, 1827; [σ]ε CIG, Vol.III
5: . . ΑΛΕ Π Pacho, 1827; [λα] ἐτῶν ? CIG, Vol.III
No comment (2020).
Bibliography: Pacho, 1827 pl. LXXIX, whence CIG, Vol.III, 5213; corrected, Robinson, 1913, from Norton, 197.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).