Description: Mosaic floors, 1 in a room in the upper floor; 2 in the triclinium;
3 in the impluvium
Text: Mosaic lettering: 1 labelling a damaged scene from the life of Achilles;
2 on a panel (w:
0.585 x h:
0.11) held by a winged figure (Nike); 3, within a
wreath (0.545) in the centre of a geometric mosaic floor
Letters: 2: 0.05; 3: 0.04-0.065; dots for stops
Date: 215-225 CE
House of Leukaktios; found in 2002.
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location:
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
(1) Odysseus; Achilles; Daidamia; Briseis; Virgins; Diomedes.
(2) Good fortune for Leukaktios!
(3) Good fortune for Leukaktios!
2 and 3: See detailed discussion by Łajtar, art.cit.
Bibliography: Mikocki, 2006 175, whence SEG 56.2037; 2 and 3: Kubinska, 2007, whence Feissel, Bulletin Épigraphique 2008.617, SEG 57.2030, AE 2008.1605. 1 republished Mikocki, 2010, whence SEG 60.1847; 2 and 3 republished Łajtar, 2012 1-2, whence SEG 64.2035. Mentioned Kenrick, 2013, 85.
Text constituted from: Publications (Roueché).
None available (2020).