IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

P.144. Price edict of the emperor Diocletian.

Description: Marble panels found in many fragments; A-N can be assembled to make the largest and most complete part, at least w: 1.03 x h: 1.07 x d: 0.14 - 0.21, thinner in the upper part and progressively thickening to the lower edge. M: h: 0.19 x d: 0.026; N:w: 0.12 x h: 0.15; O:w: 0.09 x h: 0.12; P: w: 0.22 x h: 0.23; Q: w: 0.12 x h: 0.12, including the left-hand margin of both column and marble slab; R: w: 0.11 x h: 0.10, including the left-hand margin of both column and marble slab; S: w: 0.06 x h: 0.06, including part of a left-hand margin; T: w: 0.10 x h: 0.11, exhibiting top and left-hand margins of slab; U: w: 0.13 x h: 0.10, exhibiting parts of two columns; X: w: 0.15 x h: 0.13; Y: w: 0.10 x h: 0.09; Ze: w: 0.09 x h: 0.09; Zf: w: 0.08 x h: 0.05; Zg: w: 0.085 x h: 0.95.
Text: Written between lightly incised guidelines, and between vertical margins which define the columns. The largest secion, in two columns, is preserved on fragments A-M; the fragments N-P are from the Preamble; other fragments are Q-Z
Letters: There are traces of red paint in the letters. A-M: 0.017 - 0.02; N: 0.06; O: 0.022; P: line 1, 0.022, lines2 f. 0.015; Q-Zg: 0.015-0.019

Date: 301 CE

Findspot: Ptolemais: A-V in the Street of the Monuments during excavations in 1935-36; X found in fill in Street west of City Baths:; Y found in fill in trench east of city baths; three further fragments Z.e, Z.f, Z.g
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location: Tolmeita Museum.


(Part of the first two lines of the Imperial titles, immediately preceding the Preamble)
[--- Diocletianus] P(ius) F(elix) inu(ictus) [Aug(ustus) pont(ifex) max(imus) ---]
[---] ⟦et⟧ ⟦im[p(erator)]⟧ [⟦Caesar⟧ (Maximianus) ---]
(Preamble, II.22) ------
[---species] uictu[i adque usui ---]
[temperamen]tum ex[istumauerit ---]
[---esse deb]eat infe[rentis ---]
(Preamble, II.26, and Chapter I, lines 14-18) ------
[--- mitigar]e aut satiare p[otuerunt]
( vac. )
( vac. )
unum ((denarius)) sexagin[ta]
5 [un]um ((denarius)) centum
[unum] ((denarius)) centum
[unum ((denarius))] triginta
[unum ((denarius)) ce]ntum ------
(Chapter I, lines 21-23) ------
[Fasi]ọli s[icci ---]
[Lini] semi[nis ---]
[oryza]e mun[dae ---]
(Chapter V, lines 1a-4) ------
[piscis aspratilis marini Ital(icum) po(ndo) unu]m ((denarius)) uiginti
[ quattuor] ( vac. )
[piscis secundi ( vac. ) Ital(icum) po(ndo) unum ((denarius)) sed]ecim
[piscis flubialis optimi Ital(icum) po(ndo) unum ((denarius)) d]uodecim
5[piscis secundi flubialis Ital(icum) po(ndo) unum ((denarius)) o]cto ------
(Chapter XII (Crawford Chapter 23), lines 3-4) ------
[cubitorum n(umero) quadraginta latitudinis s(upra)s(criptae)] ((denarius)) trigin[ta milibus]
[cubitorum n(umero) triginta quinque latitudi]nis per q[uadrum digitorum octoginta ((denarius)) duodecim milibus] ------
(From Chapter XV (Crawford Chapter 36)) ------ ae[ramentum ---]
aerame[ntum ---]
aeram[entum ---]
aer[amentum ---]
A-N, I, Col. 1
(Chapter XIX (Crawford Chapter 49), lines 11 to 36) ------
(11) [s]ex milibus
(12) [Dalmaticomafor]tium subseri[c]um aluum clavans purpu[r(ae)]
[ ( vac. ) hy]poblattae l[ibra]m unam ((denarius)) quadraginta qu[at-]
[( vac. )tu]or milibus
( vac. )
5(13 a-b) [Dalmat]icoma[fortium Mutinen]se subsericum clavan[s]
[( vac. ) pur]purae hypoblat[tae libram u]nam ((denarius)) quadraginta sex [milibu]s
(14 c) [Dalmatic]omafortium marinum subsericum ut s(upra) ((denarius)) qu[adra-]
( vac. )ginta octo mi[libus]

(15 d-e) [Dalmatica] holoserica uirilis clavans purpur(ae) blattae [.. ? ..] ḷịbr(am) ((denarius))
10 ( vac. )quinqua[ginta mil]ibus
(16 f) [Dalmati]comafortium holosericum aluum clav[ans purpur]ae
[ ( vac. )lib]ṛạṣ duas ((denarius)) centum triginta quin[que milibus]
(17 g-h) [item de aliis] infectis eadem h[olo]seric[a habit]a
( vac. ) ratione tin[cturae sic distrahi deben]t
15(18, i) [S]tricto[ria holoseric]a clavans purpu[rae --- uncias se]x
( vac. )((denarius)) [qu]adragi[nta --- milibus]
(19, k) [Asema] holo[serica ---] ((denarius)) qu[adraginta quinque milibus]
(20, l-n) [episemae secundum qualit]ate<m> lana[e pondus auri] et
[habita ratione mensurae auri?] et plumatur[ae distr]ahi
20 ( vac. ) poterunt ( vac. )
(21, o-p) [Chlamys Mutin]ens[is dupl]ex clavans [hapliae sec]un-
[( vac. )dae? un]cias [.. ? ..] ((denarius)) ḍ[.. ? ..]
(22, q) Autem c̣[lavantes] p[.. ? ..]UI[.. ? ..]I
( vac. ) [.. ? .. p]urp[urae]- [distrahunt]ur
25(23, r) [Ch]lamys Mutin[ensis simplex cla]van[s purpurae? .. ? ..]
( vac. ) unc[ias] quin[que? .. ? ..]
(24, s) [Fi]bulatorium Mu[tinen]se sim[plex .. ? .. clavans purpura]e
[ ( vac. )]hapli[ae ---]
(25, t) [Fib]ulatorium L[adicenum simplex e]x lani[s Mutinen]si-
30( vac. )bus et Ladicenis hapliae [clavan]s uncias quattuor ((denarius)) [quadragint]a
(26, u-v) [Chl]amys simplex ex l[anis Muti]nensibus et Ladiceni[s clavans hapliae]
( vac. ) unc[ias .. ? .. ((denarius))] quindecim milib[us]
(27, w) [Fib]ulatoriu[m Ladicen]um clavans purpu[rae .. ? ..] primae
( vac. ) un[cias qu]attuor ((denarius)) quatt[uor] milib[u]s
35(28, 17) [Tap]ete Britannic[u]m prim(ae) form[ae ((denarius)) quinqu]e mili[b]us
(29, 18)[ ( vac. )For]ma[e] secundae ( vac. )[((denarius)) quattuor?] milibus
(30, 19)[Tapete Cappa]docicum siu[e Ponticum] formae [pr?]im(ae) ((denarius)) tribus milibus
(31, 20) [ ( vac. )Formae secun]dae ( vac. )[((denarius)) duobu?]s milibus
(32, 21) [Tapete Aegyptiu]m ( vac. )[((denarius)) mille septingentis] quinquaginta
40(33, 22) [Tapete cavallaricum ((denarius)) quadri]nge[ntis]
(34, 23) [Tapete accubital]e s[ingulum ( vac. )] ((denarius)) quat[tuor milibus q]uingentis
(35, 24) [Tapete Africanum] ( vac. )((denarius)) milleq[uingentis]
(36, 25) [Stragula secundum pondus? pl]umatu[rae et lanae di]strahi
( vac. ) [debent] ( vac. )
(XIX, 43-53: Crawford Chapter 49, lines 40-46)
[paragaudae Laodicenae addito pretio purpurae reliqua] in[putanda sunt]
[byrrus Nerbicus leoninus optimus ( vac. )] ((denarius)) quin[decim]- [milibus
[byrrus Taurogastricus ( vac. )] ((denarius)) duodecim-]
[byrrus Ripensis ( vac. )] ((denarius)) octo mil[ibus]
5[byrrus Noricus ( vac. )] ((denarius)) decem milibu[s]
[byrrus Britannicus ( vac. )] ((denarius)) sex milibus
[byrrus Meditomagensis ( vac. )] ((denarius)) sex milibus
A-N, I, Col. 2
(Chapter XIX, line 74 - Chapter XXII, line 17: Crawford Chapter 49, line 73-Chapter 52, line 17)
(74 = 63) [D]almaticomafortium leporinum clavans [purpurae]
( vac. ) po(ndum) unum semis ((denarius)) septem <m>i[libus] (Chapter XX)
[De mercedi]bus plumariorum et sericarioru[m]
(1a) [Plumari]o in strictoria subserica pro uncia [una ((denarius)) ducentos]
5(2) In strictoria holoserica per singulas unc[ias ((denarius)) trecen]tos
(3) In chlamydem Mutinensi in uncia una ((denarius)) uiginti quinque
(4) In chlamydem Ladicena ut s(upra) in uncia una ((denarius)) uigi[n]ti quinque
(5) Barbaricario ex a[u]ro faciente operis primi in uncia una
( vac. ) ((denarius)) mille
10(6) Operis secundi ( vac. ) ((denarius)) septingentos quinquaginta
(7) Barbaricari[o i]n holos[eri]ca in uncia una ((denarius)) quingentos
(8) Operis secundi in uncia una ((denarius)) quadringentos
(9) Sericario in subserica pasto diurnos ((denarius)) uiginti quinque
(10) In holoserica pura pasto diurnos ((denarius)) uiginti quinque
15(11) In holoserica scut(u)lata ( vac. )((denarius)) quadraginta
(12) Gerdiae pastae in tunica pexa indictionali ((denarius)) duodecim
(13) In tunicis Mutinensibus uel ceteris pastae ((denarius)) sedecim
(1a) Lanario in lana Mutinensi uel marina pasto in po(ndum) unum ((denarius)) qua-
( vac. )draginta
20(2) In lana Terentina uel Ladicena uel Altinata in po(ndum) unum ((denarius)) tri-
( vac. )ginta
(3) In lana sequenti in po(ndum) unum ((denarius)) uiginti
(4) In lana grossa in po(ndum) unum ((denarius)) quindecim
(5) Linteoni diurnos in opere primo past(o) diurn(os) ((denarius)) quadraginta
25(6) In opere secundo pasto ((denarius)) uiginti
(1) De fullonibus
(1a) Fulloni in chlamyde indictionali rudi ( vac. )((denarius)) quinquaginta
(2) In strictoria indictionali rudi ( vac. )((denarius)) uigintiquinque
(3) In asema ex lanis grossioribus ( vac. )((denarius)) uiginti
30(4) In rachana rudi ( vac. )((denarius)) triginta
(5) In dalmaticomafortio grossiori rudi ( vac. ) ((denarius)) quinquaginta
(6) In dalmaticomafortio pexo tenuiori rudi ( vac. )((denarius)) centum
(7) In strictoria pexa tenui rudi ( vac. )((denarius)) quinquaginta
(8) In dalmatica uirili subserica rudi ( vac. ) ((denarius)) ducentos
35(9) In strictoria subserica rudi ( vac. ) ((denarius)) centum septuagin[ta quinque]
(10) In asema subserica rudi ( vac. ) ((denarius)) centum ui[ginti quinque]
(11) In d[almaticomafortio subserico rudi (300 denarii)]
(12) In [dalmatica holoserica uirili rudi (400 denarii)]
(13) In d[almaticomafortio holoserico rudi (600 denarii)]
40(14) In s[trictoria holoserica rudi (250 denarii)]
(15) In [asema holoserica rudi (200 denarii)]
(16) In [chlamyde Mutinensi duplici rudi (500 denarii)]
(17) In [chlamyde Mutinensi simplici rudi (250 denarii)]
(From Chapter XXIV: Crawford Chapter 54) ------
pur[pura ---]
pur[pura ---]
[pu]r[pura ---]
(From Chapter XXVI: Crawford Chapter 56) ------
( vac. )Tarsico Ạ[lexandrinarum---]
(Chapter XXVIII, lines 45-47: Crawford Chapter 56, lines 240-242) ------
forma[e tertiae]
item culcita [---]
Damascen[a ---]
(Chapter XXX, lines 2-4: Crawford Chapter 58)
[---po(ndo) unum ((denarius)) septu]ạg̣ịṇṭ[a duobus milibus ( vac. )]
[---]is in po(ndo) u[num ((denarius)) quinque milibus ---]
[Auricaesoribus in po(ndo)] unum ((denarius)) [tria milia?] ( vac. ) ------
(Chapter XXXI, lines 1-3: Crawford Chapter 60) ------
de pretiis m[ancipiorum ---]
mancipi[um rusticum siue urbanum virilis sexus]
ab an[nis sedecim ad annos quadraginta]
( vac. ) ------
(Chapter XII: Crawford Chapter 24, lines 9-11)
( vac. ) cum [ferro ((denarius)) quadringentis]
( vac. ) Palo[redica sine ferro ( vac. ) ((denarius)) decem]
[---]is ( vac. ) cum f̣[erro] ( vac. ) [((denarius)) quinquaginta]
( vac. ) ------
------ [--- qu]inqua[ginta ---]
[---]ginta ( vac. )[---]
[---milib?]us q̣u[ingentis?---]


(Part of the first two lines of the Imperial titles, immediately preceding the Preamble)
(Preamble, II.22)------
(Preamble, II.26, and Chapter I, lines 14-18)------
5[..]UM 𐆖 CENTUM
[....] 𐆖 CENTUM
(Chapter I, lines 21-23)------
(Chapter V, lines 1a-4)------
[...............................]M 𐆖 UIGINTI
[........]     vacat
(Chapter XII (Crawford Chapter 23), lines 3-4)------
[..................................] 𐆖 TRIGIN[.........]
(From Chapter XV (Crawford Chapter 36))------ AE[........---]
A-N, I, Col. 1
(Chapter XIX (Crawford Chapter 49), lines 11 to 36)------
5(13 a-b)[......]ICOMA[..............]SESUBSERICUMCLAVAN[.]
[......]PURAEHYPOBLAT[..........]NAM 𐆖 QUADRAGINTASEX[......]S

10                                                            QUINQUA[........]IBUS
[......]...DUAS 𐆖 CENTUMTRIGINTAQUIN[..........]
(17 g-h)[...........]INFECTISEADEMH[...]SERIC[......]A
15(18, i)[.]TRICTO[............]ACLAVANSPURPU[...---........]X
                                                 𐆖 [..]ADRAGI[...---.......]
(19, k)[.....]HOLO[......---] 𐆖 QU[.......................]
(20, l-n)[......................]ATELANA[...........]ET
20                                                  POTERUNT                              
(21, o-p)[............]ENS[......]EXCLAVANS[..........]UN
[........]CIAS[.. ? ..] 𐆖 .[.. ? ..]
(22, q)AUTEM.[........]P[.. ? ..]UI[.. ? ..]I
                        [.. ? ...]URP[..............]UR
25(23, r)[..]LAMYSMUTIN[...............]VAN[........... ? ..]
                UNC[...]QUIN[..... ? ..]
(24, s)[..]BULATORIUMMU[.....]SESIM[...... ? ................]E
(25, t)[...]ULATORIUML[................]XLANI[........]SI
(26, u-v)[...]AMYSSIMPLEXEXL[........]NENSIBUSETLADICENI[...............]
                UNC[..... ? ...]QUINDECIMMILIB[..]
(27, w)[...]ULATORIU[........]UMCLAVANSPURPU[..... ? ..]PRIMAE
                UN[......]ATTUOR 𐆖 QUATT[...]MILIB[.]S
35(28, 17)[...]ETEBRITANNIC[.]MPRIMFORM[...][......]EMILI[.]US
(29, 18)[......]MA[.]SECUNDAE          [.........]MILIBUS
(30, 19)[...........]DOCICUMSIU[.........]FORMAE[..]IM 𐆖 TRIBUSMILIBUS
(31, 20)[..............]DAE            [......]SMILIBUS
(32, 21)[..............]M      [..................]QUINQUAGINTA
40(33, 22)[.........................]NGE[....]
(34, 23)[...............]ES[..........] 𐆖 QUAT[............]UINGENTIS
(35, 24)[...............]                         𐆖 MILLEQ[.........]
(36, 25)[........................]UMATU[............]STRAHI
(XIX, 43-53: Crawford Chapter 49, lines 40-46)
[................................] 𐆖 QUIN[............................................]
[.................] 𐆖 OCTOMIL[....]
5[................] 𐆖 DECEMMILIBU[.]
[....................] 𐆖 SEXMILIBUS
[.......................] 𐆖 SEXMILIBUS
A-N, I, Col. 2
(Chapter XIX, line 74 - Chapter XXII, line 17: Crawford Chapter 49, line 73-Chapter 52, line 17)
                POUNUMSEMIS 𐆖 SEPTEMI[.....](Chapter XX)
                                                                       𐆖 MILLE
30(4)INRACHANARUDI                                 𐆖 TRIGINTA
(10)INASEMASUBSERICARUDI             𐆖 CENTUMUI[............]
(From Chapter XXIV: Crawford Chapter 54)------
(From Chapter XXVI: Crawford Chapter 56)------
(Chapter XXVIII, lines 45-47: Crawford Chapter 56, lines 240-242)------
(Chapter XXX, lines 2-4: Crawford Chapter 58)
[..................]UNUM 𐆖 [.........]        ------
(Chapter XXXI, lines 1-3: Crawford Chapter 60)------
(Chapter XII: Crawford Chapter 24, lines 9-11)
[---]IS        CUM.[....]      [.............]
------ [---..]INQUA[.....---]
[---]GINTA      [---]

English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

(Translation taken, with very slight modifications, from Antony Kropff, New English Translation of the Price Edict of Diocletianus)

(Part of the Imperial title): The Emperor Caesar Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletian], dutiful, blessed, unconquered [Augustus, . . . ] and the Emperor Caesar [Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximinian . . . l

(Preamble, II.22): . . . ]nourishment [ . . . moderation] may consider [ . . . ] ought to [ . . .

(Preamble, II.26, and Chapter I, Pulses and cereals, 14-18): . . . ] they could mitigate or satisfy. (Chapter I, 14) [Peas, unshelled] 1 k. mod. 60 denarii; (15) [Chick peas] 1 k. mod. 100 denarii; (16) [Bitter vetch 1 k. mod.] 100 denarii; (17) [Oats 1 k. mod.] 30 [denarii]; (18) [Fenugreek 1 k. mod.] 100 [denarii; . . .

(From Chapter I, Pulses and cereals, lines 21-23): (21) [Kidney] beans, dried [100 denarii;] (22) [Flax]seed [150 denarii;] (23) Rice, hulled [ . . .

(Chapter V, Fish, lines 1a-4): . . . 1a Sea fish, not bony, 1 lb,] 24 denarii; (2) [Sea fish, second quality, 1 lb,] 16 denarii; (3) [River fish, first quality, 1 lb,] 12 denarii; (4) [River fish, second quality, 1 lb,] 8 denarii; [ . . .

(Chapter XII, Timber, lines 3-4): . . . (3) Fir planks, 40 cubits long, 4 cubits in perimeter,] 30.000 denarii; (4) [Fir planks, 35 cubits long, 80 digiti] in perimeter, [12.000 denarii; . . .

(Chapter XV, Wagons, metals etc.: ): . . . ] copper [ . . . ] copper [ . . . ] copper [ . . . ] copper [ . . .

(Chapter XIX, Clothing, lines 11 to 36): (11) Close fitting strictoria with coloured bands] 6.000 denarii; (12) [Dalmaticomafor]tium (i.e. hooded wide garment with sleeves)), part silk, with light purple bands, one pound, 44.000 denarii; (13) [Dalmat]icomafortium, part silk, part wool from Mutina, with light purple bands, one pound, 46.000 denarii; (14) [Dalmatic]omafortium, part silk, part ‘sea wool’ (wool made from the byssus thread of the Pinna nobilis mussel shell) with light purple bands, as above, 48.000 denarii; (15) Men’s silk [dalmatica] with dark purple bands, [?one] pound, 50.000 denarii; (16) Men ’s silk dalmaticomafortium with coloured bands, two pounds, 135.000 denarii; (17) [ . . ] for incomplete items the same calculation of silk of the value of the dyeing must be made (18) Silk strictoria (i.e. close fitting undershirt with sleeves) with purple bands, weighing six unciae, 40.000 denarii; (19) Silk, [without bands, . . . ] 45.000 denarii; (20) . . . ] quality of the wool [ . . . and the quantity of the gold thread] and the embroidering may be taken into account (21) [Cloak of wool from Mutin]a, double, purple bands, dyed once … (22) Again cloak [ . . . ] (23) Cloak of wool from Mutina, single, with purple bands... 5 unciae, [ . . . (24) Women’s garment closed with clasps from Mutina, single, with purple bands, once dyed, [ . . . ] unciae [ . . . ] (25) Women’s garment closed with clasps from Laodicea, of wool from Mutina or Laodicea, single], as above, four unciae, 40[ . . denarii; (26) Cloak of wool from Mutina or Laodicea, single [ . . . ] unciae, 15.000 denarii; (27) Women’s garment closed with clasps [ . . . ] with purple bands, first [ . . . ]four unciae 4.000 denarii; (28) Cover from Britannia, first quality, 5.000 denarii; (29) Second quality, 4.000 denarii; (30) Cover from Cappadocia or Pontica, first quality 3.000 denarii; (31) Second quality 2.000 denarii; (32) [Cover] from Egypt 1.750 denarii; (33) [Cover from . . . ] 4.000 denarii; (34) [Cover from . . . for covering a reclining dinner sofa] 4.500 denarii; (35) [Cover from Africa] 1.500 denarii; (36) [Covers are to be sold according to the value of the weight of the wool] and the dyeing [ . . .

(XIX, 43-53): ?five denarii [ . . . ], ?twelve denarii; [ . . . ], 8,000 denarii; [ . . . ], 10,000 denarii; [ . . . ], 6,000 denarii; [ . . . ], 6,000 denarii; [ . . .

(XIX, 73 - XXII, 17): 73b Dalmaticomafortium from the wool of hares with [purple] bands, one pound, 7.000 denarii. (Chapter XX, Clothing workers) [For (i.e. wages for)] embroiderers and silk workers: (1a) [For embroidery] on a close fitting strictoria, part silk, for one uncia of thread [200 denarii]; (2) For embroidery on a close fitting strictoria, pure silk, for one uncia of thread [300 denarii]; (3) For embroidery on a light cloak of wool from Mutina, for one uncia of thread 25 denarii; (4) For embroidery on a light cloak from Laodiceia, as above, for one uncia of thread 25 denarii; (5) For a brocade maker, working in gold thread, for work of the best quality, or one uncia of thread 1.000 denarii; (6) For work of the second quality, for one uncia of thread 750 denarii; (7) For a brocade maker, on pure silk, for one uncia of thread 500 denarii; (8) For work of second quality, for one uncia of thread 400 denarii; (9) Silk worker on part silk, with maintenance, for a day 25 denarii; (10) On pure silk, with maintenance, for a day 25 denarii; (11) On pure silk, checkered, with maintenance, for a day 40 denarii; (12) Woman weaver of tunics of soft cloth, according to the indictio (i.e. tax regulations), with maintenance, for a day 12 denarii; (13) Of tunics of cloth from Mutina and other places, with maintenance, for a day 16 denarii; (Chapter XXI, Wool weavers) (1) For a wool weaver, working in wool from Mutina or ‘sea wool’ with maintenance, for 1 lb 40 denarii; (2) Working in wool from Tarentum, Laodiceia or Altinum, for 1 lb 30 denarii; (3) Working in wool of the second quality, for 1 lb 20 denarii; (4) Working in wool of the third, coarse quality, for 1 lb 15 denarii; (5) For a linen weaver for first quality work, with maintenance, for a day 40 denarii; (6) For second quality work, with maintenance, for a day 20 denarii; (Chapter XXII, Fullers). For (i.e. wages for) fullers (1a) Fuller, for a new light cloak, as described in the indictio, 50 denarii; (2) For a new strictoria as described in the indictio 25 denarii; (3) For a shirt without decoration, of coarser wool 20 denarii; (4) For a new cover 30 denarii; (5) For a new dalmaticomafortium of coarser wool 50 denarii; (6) For a new dalmaticomafortium of pure soft-finished wool 100 denarii; (7) For a new strictoria of pure soft-finished wool 50 denarii; (8) For a man’s new dalmatica, part silk 200 denarii; (9) For a new strictoria, part silk 175 denarii; (10) For a new strictoria, part silk, without purple bands 125 denarii; (11) For [a new dalmaticomafortium, part silk 300 denarii;] (12) For [a man’s new dalmatica in pure silk 400 denarii;] (13) For [a new dalmaticomafortium, pure silk 600 denarii;] (14) For [a new strictoria, pure silk 250 denarii;] (15) For [a new strictoria, pure silk, without purple bands 200 denarii;] (16) For [a new light cloak, double, of wool from Mutina 500 denarii;] (17) For [a new light cloak, single, of wool from Mutina 250 denarii;]

(Chapter XXIV: Purple): . . . ] purple [ . . . ] purple [ . . . ] purple [ . . .

(From Chapter XXVI, Linen): . . . ] from Tarsus, Alexandrian [ . . . ] dalmatic (i.e. wide-sleeved tunic) [ . . .

(Chapter XXVIII, Linens, lines 45-47): (45) Third quality [1 150 denarii;] (46) Bed ticking [and pillow ticking from Tralles or Antinoe 2.750 denarii;] (47) From Damascus [ . . .

(Chapter XXX, Gold and silver, lines 2-4) (2): . . . Spun gold 1 lb,] 12.000 denarii; (3) [Goldsmith working in gold,] 1 lb, [5.000 denarii; (4) [Gold cutters making gold foil,] 1 lb, [10,000] denarii; [ . . .

(From Chapter XXXI: Slaves): On the price of slaves. [ . . . ? male] slaves [ . . . ] from the age of [- . . .

(Z.g: Unidentified): . . . ], fifty [ . . . -]ty [ . . . ] fifty thousand? [ . . .


This text has been greatly enhanced by Benet Salway, drawing on the work of Michael Crawford.

On section XXXI see Salway (2010), 4-5.

Bibliography: Fragments A-V: Published Caputo-Goodchild, 1955, whence AE 1956.113. X-Y: Published Kraeling, 1962, 47, a and b; Z.e-g published, and other fragments revised in brief by Reynolds, 1970, and, more fully, Reynolds, 1971; from these Lauffer, 1971, Ptolemais I-XVI. Discussed by M. H. Crawford (forthcoming with the publication of the copy of the edict from Aphrodisias). Mentioned Kenrick, 2013, 103
Text constituted from: From transcription and previous publications (Reynolds)


None available (2020).