a b c d e f g 8
a b c d 9 10 11
a b c d e 12
a b c d e
Description: Natural rock-cut cave, with
a small recess to the left of the entrance and a deeper one to the right,
whose interior walls carry prehistoric graffiti as well as Greek inscriptions.
There are graffito images of a gazelle on the roof to the left, of a bird,
and of a group of birds, probably partridges.
Text: Inscribed on the walls and ceiling of the entrance and of both recesses. (1) beside the bird to the left of the entry; (2) beyond
the gazelle; (3) below no. 2; (4) on the rock face opposite, beside the entry to a small recess, and below a natural niche;
(5) above no. 4 and below another niche; there is a group of birds upside down to this and another (illegible) text below
it; (6) above no. 5; (7) to the right of no. 6 and above the birds; (8) below no. 7 and near ground level; (9) to the right
of no. 8 and round a half-comer leading towards the larger recess, above a niche; (10) below the same niche; (11) beside the
same niche; (12) within the deep recess, on the roof near the entrance:
Letters: Various hands, third century BCE- third century CE. 2: the last 3 letters in a monogram 8b: ε with Ε; ligature, ΥΚ ; 10:
nu written backwards
Date: Third century BCE- third century CE
Findspot: Sites between Berenike and Taucheira:
Wadi Zaza;
first recorded by Mansour Abdussalem and Abdul-hamid Abdussaid in 1971.
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location:
5: [ . . ]ϲευιροσποααϲ
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
(1: Not usefully translatable);
(2): ?Gobba;
(3: Not usefully translatable);
(4): ?Gobba, God;
(5): . . . ] ?approachable;
(6): Kallimachos;
(7): (a): ?Poplios (i.e. Publius); (c); ?Addidas; (e); Didymos; (b, d, f, g: Not usefully translatable);
(8-10: Not usefully translatable);
(11): (a: Not usefully translatable); (b): ?Arimmas; (c); ?Arimas; (d); Charilas (scil. son) of Chairesilaos; (e); . . . ]?prayer [ . . .;
(12): (a, b, d: Not usefully translatable); (c): ?of Proklos; (e); ?worship;
Texts 2 and 4: This appears to be Γοββα, perhaps a personal name - Latin name, Gobus, is found at Salona (ILJug 2165, available at EDH 034469) or, in the light of 4, perhaps a divinity.
Line 5: perhaps : ‘approachable’, sc. deities, apparently female.
Bibliography: Abdussalem-Reynolds, 1997, 1, whence SEG 47.2200
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).