Description: Marble stele, damaged above and at the right side
0.41 x h:
0.76 x d:
Text: Inscribed on one face which is in poor condition.
Letters: First century BCE-first century CE
Date: Augustan.
Gebel Akhdar: East of Cyrene: found reused in an Italian fort near
Mgarnes; photographed in
1925 as from Mgarnes.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Cyrene Museum
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[c. 4]Τ̣[.]Ε[---]
[c. 5]ΣΤΕΓΑ[c. 4]Τ̣ΕΙΜ̣[c. 5]
[ - - - - - - - - - - ]
[ - - - - - - - - - - ]
5εὐσεβε[ίας ἕνε]κ̣ε πο[τὶ τὰς νύμφας τὰς ἐν?]
τ̣ᾶι παγᾶι [...]ΕΣ̣ΤΑ[...]Α̣Σ[c. 4]
φιλότιμον ἦμεν [ἐ]γγράψαι δὲ αὐ-
τὸν̣ κ̣αὶ ἐς τὸς ἱαρεῖς τῶ Διονύσ[ω]
ἱαρατευκότα. ἦμεν δὲ αὐτὸ[ν κ]α[ὶ]
10 ἀλειτού̣ργητο̣ν̣ καὶ ἀμ̣έθε̣κ̣τ̣ο̣ν̣
τῶν πρὸς τὰν κ̣ώ̣μαν ἀνηκό<ν>των
πάντων. δόμεν δὲ αὐ̣τῶ̣ι κα̣ὶ̣ ἐπιγρά-
ψ̣α̣ι̣ τὸν σιτῶνα ἐπιγραφάν ἃν ἂν αὐ-
τὸς προαιρῆται. τοὶ δὲ πολιανό-
15μοι τὸ ψάφισμα ἐπιγραψάτωσαν
εὐσάμως ἐς τὰν κοινὰν τὰ[ν]
τᾶς κώμας συνθήκαν ὅπως κα[ὶ]
[τ]οὶ λοιποὶ θεωρέντες τὰν [τ]ᾶ̣[ς]
κώμας εὐχαριστίαν ποτὶ τὸς
20 ἀγαθὸς τῶν ἀνδρῶν φιλοστό[ρ-]
γως ἔχωσι τὰ πρὸς αὐτὰν
( vac. )
( vac. ) λευκαὶ νγ´ ( vac. )
- - - - - - - - - -
[ - - - - - - - - - - ]
[ - - - - - - - - - - ]
Italian translation
Translation source: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936
(L'autoritå ha deciso) . . . (poichè -- ha dimostrato di essere) munifico, di:- iscriverlo anche nella lista dei sacerdoti
di Dioniso, come se effettivamente ne avesse giå esercitato la carica; - essere egli anche esente da qualsiasi prestazione
(liturgia), ed anche dalle contribuzioni inerenti ai lavori, di qualsiasi specie, che interessano il benessere del villagio.
- dragli la facoltà di farsi trascrivere nel proprio ruolo dal magistrato frumentario l'iscrizione, she Egli stesso preferisca.
I polianomi questo decreto faranno iscrivere in bei caratteri nella racolta ufficiale (delle lege e dei decreti) del villaggio,
affinchè anche gli altri, dopo aver constato con i propri occhi il modo, come il villaggio dimostra la propria gratitudine
verso i bravi cittadini (che emergono sugli altri per bememerenze), tutta la loro passione mettano nel provvedere a tutto
quello, che lo (il villaggio) interessa. (voti) bianchi 53.
French translation
Translation source: Laronde, 1987
(plaise à la kômé, ... attendu que..., de déclarer qu') il est généreux, de l'inscrire parmi les prêtres de Dionysos comme
s'il avait exercé la prêtrise ; qu'il soit exempt des liturgies et... de tous ceux qui concernent la kômé ; de lui accorder
le droit de mettre l'inscription qu'il choisira lui-même sur le grenier à blé ; les polianomes feront inscrire le décret en
évidence dans la collection publique de la kômé afin que ceux à venir, considérant la reconnaissance de la kômé envers ceux
qui se montrent hommes de bien, se montrent pleins de zèle dans ce qui la concerne. (Jetons de vote) blancs, 53.
English translation
Translation by: Editors
[the village decided . . . because of x's virtues and] because of his piety towards [?the nymphs in] the spring [ . . . ]
generous, to inscribe him also among the priests of Dionysos as having served as priest (i.e. as if he had served); he should
be freed from liturgies and not required to participate in the duties of the village; he should be given the right to inscribe
on the granary whatever inscription he should choose; the polianomoi are to inscribe the decree prominently in the common
archive of the village so that the others, seeing the gratitude of the village towards the good among men, should be devoted
to the affairs of the vllage. 53 white (i.e. votes were cast).
Bibliography: Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936, 135, whence Roussel, 1935, Roussel, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1936, p. 393, SEG 9.354, whence PHI 324203) see also Robert, 1939, 162, n.2, Roux, 1949, 294 et n. 2, Chamoux, 1953, 221, n.5, with Fraser, 1957a, 19, n.2, Robert, 1963a, 306, n.5. Republished Laronde, 1987, 334-35, whence Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1988.1012, SEG 38.1890; discussed Marengo, 1996, whence Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1997.707; mentioned Kenrick, 2013, 303.
Text constituted from: Transcription, supplemented from the photograph which shows some fragments on the right side that now seem lost. (Reynolds).
Fig. 1. Face (Reynolds, SB.II.91)