Description: Mosaic floor, of which three rows were fully and one partly uncovered
5.50 x h:
6.50). Each panel (w:
1.00 x h:
1.00) is surrounded by borders filled with looped circles
Text: Mosaic lettering, above the figures in two panels; 1 above a figure of a man with a tiger;
2 is above a figure of a man with a leopard; 3 is above two figures of women.
Letters: Square letters; no dimensions
Date: Sixth century CE
Gebel Akhdar: West of Cyrene,
c. 5 km. south of Beida
Gasr Bandes, in a ?church.
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location:
English translation
Translation source: Reynolds-Ward-Perkins-Goodchild, 2003
(1): Indus
(2): Indus
(3): Those who make offerings
1 and 2: Indus is presumably the description of a man, or men, meaning 'the Indian', whether used as an ethnic or as a personal name.
3: Probably the donors of the building or of the mosaic.
Bibliography: Mohamed-Reynolds, 2000, 4.b, 1492-4, whence SEG 50.1633; Reynolds-Ward-Perkins-Goodchild, 2003, 393.1, whence Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 2004.455.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).