Description: Round-topped stele of brown limestone, broken at the lower right corner
c. 0.28 x h:
0.51 x d:
c. 0.13).
Text: Inscribed on one face which is very worn;
in the gable above the text a crude wreath flanked by palm branches.
Letters: First-second century; freehand letters, c. 0.03; square sigma, not well cut omega; very roughly cut between guide-lines.
Date: 106/107 CE
Gebel Akhdar: East of Cyrene:
Umm Heneia,
on the upper Plateau;
found in 1963.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Cyrene Museum.
English translation
Translation by: Editors
Year 137, 3rd of the month of Hathyr: So[damos] (scil. son) of Aristodamos (scil. died) aged 25 years.
The dead man is probably identical with the Sodamus in M.148, lines 3-4, given the close similarity of decoration and letter forms (especially the distinctive omega, which may be a reminiscence of Hebrew lettering) on the two stelae.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).