IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.603. Fragment

Description: Inscribed fragment of the upper right corner of a limestone panel (w: 0.16 x h: 0.18 x d: ?).
Text: Inscribed on the face, which is decorated with a rough palm branch.
Letters: Second-third century; cursive omega.

Date: Second or third century CE

Findspot: Cyrene: North Necropolis, Norton Expedition Tomb 6; found in January 1911,
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location: Findspot (1911)





Apparently interpreted by Robinson as Γ(άϊ-) Ἰωλπ- which does not seem entirely convincing.

English translation

Translation by: Editors

(Not usefully translatable)


No comment (2020).

Bibliography: Robinson, 1913, from De Cou, 34, whence Sammelbuch, I.5882.
Text constituted from: From previous publications (Reynolds).


None available (2020).