Description: Three broken limestone blocks (each originally w:
4.0 long) forming the architrave of the pronaos of
the Temple of Zeus.
Text: Inscribed on one face.
The Latin text (a) is on the central block which has been inscribed at different periods, is of a stone different in quality
that of the two side blocks and, unlike them, had the regulae and guttae of a Doric entablature cut on it; it closely resembles
the blocks of the external architrave, see C.418. Between O and S there is a rectangular cutaway which has removed the surface
of the stone
for approximately the area of two letters. The Greek text (b) replaced a, leaving only a few letters of the second line.
Letters: a: First century CE: line 1, 0.27; line 2, 0.24. b: Second century CE
Date: a: First century CEb: Second century CE
Cyrene: :
Temple of Zeus: lying in the East Portico.
Found between 1939 and 1942.
Original location: Temple of Zeus: the central block was presumably part of the pre-Antonine architrave which survived in position during the destruction of
the Jewish Revolt
after which the two side-blocks had to be replaced by the Antonine builders.
Last recorded location:
Temple of Zeus: assembled on the East front.
English translation
Translation by: Editors
(a): . . . proconsul [?dedicated] to Jupiter Augustus . . . the city [of the Cyrenaeans . . .
(b): . . . and dedicated the most excellent proconsul Claudius Attalos.
a.: cf C.418 for a closely similar text.
see also Oliverio, 1931 13
a, line 2: If the work was paid for from civic funds, perhaps [de pecunia publica] v. ciuit[as Cyrenensium]; if by the emperor or a private benefactor, the space to the left will have contained the donor's name, that to the right ciuitati Cyrenensium.
b, line 1: The opening word is most naturally restored as καὶ, indicating that it continues a text begun elsewhere, perhaps C.420 whose letter forms are identical. On this basis it may be supposed that C.420 stood above this architrave.
The cutter apparently split the word κρατίστω so as not to superimpose it on the earlierlatin, civit . .
Line 2: Claudius Attalus: perhaps to be identified with Claudius Attalus, PIR2, C 795, governor of Thrace in the early years of Commodus' sole reign; see also T.B.S. Mitford, JRS XXIX (1939) 190 and ABSA XLII (1947) 230.
Bibliography: Pesce, 1951, 8, pp. 95-96 and fig. 6, whence (a)AE 1954.44, , (b) Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1953.251, review by J.Bingen, Chron. D'Egypte XXVIII (1953) 186, on which Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1955.276; republished Goodchild-Reynolds-Herington, 1958, C, p. 35-36, and fig. 1, p. 32, whence AE 1960.262, whence a: EDH 19021, b: SEG 17.801, PHI 324414; a and b mentioned Kenrick, 2013, 223.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).