Description: Rock-cut channel, with multiple informal inscriptions, C.336 to C.392; some are traced in the mud that coats the walls of the channel, others have been modelled by attaching strips of clay or
mud to the rock.
Text: Graffito, on an area of smoothed clay, w:
0.80 x h:
Letters: 0.025-0.03, lunate sigma, epsilon; superscript bar above numeral.
Date: CE 284/5
Fountain of Apollo: rock-cut channel behind the fountain; first
explored in 1822 (not fully recorded until 1916).
Original location: Fountain of Apollo.
Last recorded location:
Fountain of Apollo; no longer accessible.
2: ἱερέως Oliverio, 1927a; νέον Oliverio, 1927a
3: Θω.νο ἰσηλθ[εν εἰς] Oliverio, 1927a ; Oliverio prints a further sigma, not shown in his drawing. Oliverio, 1927a
9: Oliverio prints this line, which is not in his drawing, and may simply be an annotation; it was not included in SEG. Oliverio, 1927a
Italian translation
Translation source: Oliverio, 1927a
Nel primo anno dell'imperatore Diocleziano. Essendo sacerdote Lysanias neos (Thon?) - entrò dalle nimfe il sacerdote Giulio . . .
English translation
Translation by: Editors
In the first year of Diocletian, in the priesthood of Lysanias ?junior [ . . . ] entered to the Nymphs [ . . . ] priest Julius Apos[- . . .
Bibliography: First mentioned in 1822, but not fully recorded until 1916. Oliverio, 1927a, 36, p.228, with a drawing, p.229, tav. V, 19, whence Boehringer, 1929 399 (a mention), SEG 9.275, PHI 324124.
Text constituted from: From previous publications and drawings(Reynolds).
None available (2020).