Description: Damaged mosaic floor
3.80 x h:
Text: Mosaic lettering: a within a tabella ansata
2.84 x h:
1.54), b, to the lefr of a: Line 1 above
a circle containing lines 2 and 3, lines 4 and 5 below. c: above the right ansa of a.
Letters: Second-third century; A: lines 1,2, 0.255, line 3, 0.235; line 4, 0.23; line 5, 0.24. b. Line 1, 0.21, line 2,3, 0.09, line
4, 0.17; line 5, 0.07. c. Letters not measurable.
Date: Second to third centuries CE
Temple of Jason Magnus, on the floor:
Found before 1941.
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location:
Temple of Jason Magnus (2008).
b: Resolved the text as here Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
(a) M(arkos) Aurelios (i.e. M(arcus) Aurelius) Euphranor, priest of Apollo the Founder, made (scil. the floor) from the money of the god.
(b)For ever, the koinon of the Six Cities!
(c) (Not usefully translatable)
Arabic translation
Translation by: Muna Abdelhamed
(أ) ماركوس أوريليوس إيفرانور، كاهن أبوللو المؤسس صنع (الأرضية) من مال المؤله (أي المال المخصص للانفاق من أجله). ( ب) إلى الأبد، اتحاد المدن الست! (ج) (لا يمكن ترجمته بشكل مفهوم)
b: Εἰς εἰῶνα: for discussion of this acclamation, see Robert, loc.cit., suggesting this reading, with a reference to the title of Cyrene ἁ ματρόπολις τᾶς Ἑξαπόλεως, as in C.167, C.173.
Bibliography: a mentioned SECir, 1961-1962, 143; a and b described Goodchild, 1961, 87, fig.3, (incomplete); on which Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1962.366; Venturini, 2013, 81, whence Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 2014.539.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).
Fig. 1. Section a. right end of lines 1-4 (Reynolds VIII.23)Fig. 2. a, lines 2-5 (Reynolds VIII.24)
Fig. 3. a, left end of lines 2-5 (Reynolds VIII.21)
Fig. 4. a, left end of lines 1-3 (Reynolds VIII.22)
Fig. 5. Section b, line 1 (Reynolds VIII.19)
Fig. 6. b, lines 2-5 (Reynolds VIII.20)
Fig. 7. Section c
Fig. 8. Section c
Fig. 9. View (2008, H.Walda)
Fig. 10. View (2008, H.Walda)
Fig. 11. View (2008, H.Walda)