IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.30. Fragmentary building inscription

Description: Fragments from a marble panel, all with lower edge. a: w: 0.15 x h: 0.21 x d: 0.023; b: w: 0.195 x h: 0.305 x d: 0.023; c: w: 0.28 x h: 0.29 x d: 0.023.
Text: Inscribed on one face.
Letters: Probably second century: a. 0.11-0.115; bar above TI; b. and c. 0.11-0.115.

Date: Probably second century CE

Findspot: Cyrene: Theatre 3; found between 1962 and 1966.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location: Cyrene Museum


[---] | Τι(βέριος) Ḳ | λα[υ] | διος̣ [---]


[---] | ΤΙ. | ΛΑ[.] | ΔΙΟ.[---]

English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

. . . ] Ti(berios) Klaudios (i.e. Ti(berius) Claudius) [? . . .


Although the pieces do not join precisely it is virtually certain that they should be taken together; this is no doubt the donor or dedicator of the monument concerned.

Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. All fragments (Joyce Reynolds, VIII.61)