IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.237. Fragmentary list of priests

Description: Part of the left side of a marble stele (w: 0.245 x h: 0.57 x d: 0.255).
Text: Inscribed on one face.
Letters: First century BCE - first century CE: lines 1, 2, 0.03; lines 3, 5, 7, 8, 0.04; lines 4, 6, 0.035; line 9 not measurable. Each line in a different hand.

Date: First century BCE to first century CE

Findspot: Cyrene: Shrine of the Dioscuri, at the foot of the steps; found in 1927.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location: Findspot, standing on the steps.


[.. ? ..??]
( vac. 1) Ị[---]
Ἄλεξις [---]
Καρνήδ[ας ---]
Καρνή[δας ---]
5Ἄλεξι̣[ς ---]
Φίλων [---]
Φιλόκω[μος ---]
Βαρκ[αῖος ---]


[.. ? ..??]

English translation

Translation by: Editors

[?Priests of Apollo]: Alexis [(scil. son) of ?]; Karnedas [(scil. son) of ?]; Karnedas [(scil. son) of ?]; Alexis [(scil. son) of ?]; Philon [(scil. son) of ?]; Philokomos [(scil. son) of ?]; Barkaios [(scil. son) of ?]; Phi[- . . .


The different hands suggest that the text is a running list of eponymous priests of Apollo. The names substantially survive and not the patronymics: so Marengo, loc.cit.

Line 1: Since the top of the stele does not survive, there can be no certainty that this line contained the heading Ἱαρὲς τῶ Ἀπόλλωνος, 'Priests of Apollo' as Oliverio proposed although the insetting makes this an attractive proposal. It could, however be the patronymic of a priest named in a preceding line,

Bibliography: Oliverio, 1929, 10 p.135-6, and fig. 28, p.128 whence SEG 9.185, PHI 324036 Marengo, 1991a, 500-503, and fig., whence Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1992.584, SEG 41.1694.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. C.237 (C. Dobias-Lalou, 1985: MFA 85/I/35)