Description: Four pieces of limestone, probably from the same monument.
a: w:
0.27 x h:
0.23 x d:
c. 0.07;
b: w:
0.30 x h:
0.30 x d:
c: w:
0.33 x h:
0.20 x d:
c. 0.16;
d: w:
0.24 x h:
0.35 x d:
c. 0.11.
Text: Inscribed on one face. On each there is a raised panel on the upper part of
the face; a and b are inscribed on this panel, c and d below it.
Letters: Probably second century: 0.05 - 0.055.
Date: Probably second century
Valley Street, north side, modern Post Office and Antonine Arch, in the same area as C.201;
found in 1957.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Cyrene Museum
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
(a and d): (Not usefully translatable). (b): . . . ]?serving as a priest [ . . . (c): . . . ] proconsul[ . . .
b. Perhaps [...ἱ]αρη[τευ-...], although this title is less appropriate here than it would be in the Sanctuary.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).