IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.18. Honours for Hadrian

Description: Moulded marble base, hollowed on top, a hole later pierced through the upper moulding near the left front corner (w: 0.62 x h: 1.22 x d: 0.48).
Text: Inscribed on the front face (panel w: 0.53 x h: 0.75).
Letters: Latin: line 1, 0.065; lines2,3, 0.04; line 4, 0.03; lines5-7, 0.025; E at the end of line 3 written small; line 7, VM ligature; bars above the figures in line 6; stops between words; an ivy leaf at the end of line 4; design and alignment different.Greek: 0.03; stops between words; ivy leaves at the end of lines 10-12.

Date: 1st January - 9th December CE 118

Findspot: Cyrene, Basilica: Found before 1941, in the apse.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location: Findspot (2008)


Imp(eratori) Caesari
diui Traiani Parth-
ici filio diui Nervae
nepoti Traiano ((leaf))
5 Hadriano Aug(usto) pontif(ici)
max(imo) trib(unicia) pot(estate) II co(n)s(uli) II
civitas Cyrenensium
( vac. 1 line)

Αὐτοκράτορι Καίσαρι
θεῶ Τραιανῶι Παρ- ( vac. )
10θικῶι υἱῶι Νέρουα ((leaf))
υἱωνῶ Τραιανῶ ((leaf))
( vac. ) Ἁδριανῶι ((leaf))




English translation

Translation by: Editors

(Latin) To Emperor Caesar, son of deified Trajan, victor in Parthia, grandson of deified Nerva, Trajan Hadrian Augustus, chief priest, holding tribunician power for the second time, consul for the second time, the city of the Cyrenaeans.

(Greek) To Emperor Caesar, son of deified Trajan, victor in Parthia, grandson of deified Nerva, Trajan Hadrian.


Third year of tribunician power, so 1st Jan - 9th Dec. 118, i.e. earlier than the inscription from the Basilica colonnade (C.21). If it stands in its original position this should indicate that the building, or part of it, was in use before the completion of Hadrian's works.

The omission of θεῶ in line 10, and the incorrect and inconsistent use of iota adscript add to the shoddy effect.

Bibliography: Mentioned, Oliverio, 1928, 318; published Pernier, 1928, 222, and fig. 2, whence Friedmann, 1930, I.4; Arch.Anz. 1941, 704 and pl. 158, whence AE 1946.177, whence EDH 022747;see also Applebaum, 1950, C.2 and Applebaum, 1950a, 27; Reynolds, 1958, VI.a, p. 163 whence Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1960.438, SEG 17.808, PHI 324419; Gasperini, 1971, B.3, and fig.20, whence (lines 1-7) AE 1974.678 whence EDH 011691; discussed, Boatwright, 2000, 180; mentioned Kenrick, 2013, 154.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Face

   Fig. 2. Face (1938 December 12, Department of Antiquities, G.205)

   Fig. 3. Face (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 4. Face (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 5. Face, upper part (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 6. Face, lower part (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 7. Monument (BSR 49.XXII.25)

   Fig. 8. Monument (2008, H.Walda)