Description: Right end of a lettered mosaic
panel (w:
0.45 x h:
Text: Mosaic lettering within the panel
Letters: 0.16
Date: Third or early fourth century CE
Found before 1941, on the floor of the apse, near the wall.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
English translation
Translation by: Joyce M. Reynolds
Due Justice
The style of the mosaic seems post-Hadrianic but earlier than the Byzantine reconstruction of the building. See M. Luni and G. Cellini, 'L'Abside della Basilica nel foro di Cirene', Karthago 24 (1999), 27-73, who point out (p.34) that a figure of justice is entirely appropriate to the functions of the building.
In the wall immediately above the panel is a niche which contained, when excavated, the lower part of a statue of a woman accompanied by a winged creature - presumably Nemesis accompanied by a gryphon (see Paribeni, 1959, 424)
Bibliography: Reynolds, 1958, V.b, p. 163, whence SEG 17.814, PHI 324423; Gasperini, 1971, B.8 and fig. 23; Venturini, 2013, 54, on which Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 2014.539.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).