IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.133. Fragmentary imperial? honours?

Description: Fragment, probably from the left side of a limestone panel; badly corroded surface. No measurements.
Text: Inscribed on the face.
Letters: Rustic capitals, not earlier than third century; no measurements

Date: Third-fourth century

Findspot: Cyrene: Agora, probably in the Square.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location: Unknown.


[---] Augg̣g̣(ust tr)(- - -)[---]
[---] ḶṂ[.]RIPẸỊ [---]
[c. 5 m]ạṭṛịṣ [---]
[c. 6] ṂAỊR [---]
5 [c. 4 q]ue eius IṆ[---]




1: Alternative reading by Reynolds: ṂC̣ỌṢ
3: Alternative readings by Reynolds: ụṛḅịṣ or ṃạṭṛị ̣ṣẹṇạṭụṣ or p̣ạṭṛị ̣p̣ạṭṛịạẹ
5: , At end, alternative reading by Reynolds: ỊṂ

English translation

Translation by: Joyce M. Reynolds

(References to the Augusti - not usefully translatable)


Three emperors appear to be involved, although the singular eius in line 5 makes it clear that one is senior; so e.g. AE 1984.921 (at EDH), for Severus, Caracalla , Geta and Julia Domna, mater castrorum. There may be traces of this title here too. The last line suggests the formula devotus numini maiestatisque eius.

Text constituted from: Transcription from photograph (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Face (Department of Antiquities, F. 375)