Description: Eight adjacent fragments of a panel of white marble
with grey veins; its shape resembles a stele with pediment, the triangle of which is
separated from the nearly square lower part by a horizontal lightly engraved line(w:
0.242 x h:
0.355 x d:
0.01); the fragments are now pasted onto a square marble slab, the shape and dimensions of which
are not quite fitting.
Text: Inscribed inside the square area
0.242 x h:
0.245). It is clear from Barth's copy
that he saw the stone still complete, whereas it is now broken into many pieces, part of which have been lost.
Letters: Careful but not quite clear cutting, light serifs at end of straight lines, lunate epsilon, sigma and omega, projecting crossing
lines on top of alpha and lambda, beta with larger lower loop; line 1 0.033; lines 2-4 0.03.
Date: Probably not earlier than the second century AD (Reynolds)
Copied by Barth in 1847 in
in a Necropolis that was probably :
Sidi Khrebish
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Louvre Paris; observed by Catherine Dobias-Lalou in 2014.
(Inv. no. MA 4256)
1-2: When Barth transcribed the text it was complete.English translation
Translation by: Catherine Dobias-Lalou
Flavius Euetes (scil. died) aged 21.
French translation
Translation by: Catherine Dobias-Lalou
Flavius Euetès (scil. mort) à 21 ans.
It is clear from Barth's copy that he saw the stone still complete, whereas it is now broken into many pieces, part of which have been lost.
For the inscription being amongst the marbles acquired from Vattier de Bourville and now in the Louvre, see Dobias-Lalou, op.cit.
Bibliography: Barth, 1849 387 and n. 17 p. 483 (drawing), whence Reynolds, 1978, 26, whence SEG 28.1544; rediscovered and republished Dobias-Lalou, 2012c, 153-154
Text constituted from: Transcription (Dobias-Lalou).