Description: Seventeen fragments of wall-plaster,
found in small pieces fallen from the wall of a room, with B.4, B.5,
B.6, B.7, B.8, B.9, B.10,
B.11, B.12, B.13, B.14, B.15, B.16, B.17,
B.18, B.19, B.20, B.21,
B.22, B.23, B.24, B.25,
B.26, B.27, B.28, B.29,
B.30, B.31, B.32, B.33,
B.34, B.35, B.36, B.37,
B.38, B.39, B.40.
Text: Two texts, divided by a line .
Letters: No description.
Date: Second half of the second or early third century CE
Sidi Khrebish, Building H, Room 6. At a date late in the life of the house the room must have been open to the public who scratched graffiti
on its walls; it seems probable that it had in fact become an hotel.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
Benghazi Museum
English translation
Translation by: Editors
(Not usefully translatable)
In the lower text line 2 perhaps contains part of the priestly title ἱεροφάντης, cf. B.8, B.31, B.38
Line 3: the genitive case of the word ἄναξ, likely to have been used here of a god?
Line 4: perhaps an indirect case of πᾶς. In line 1 we have the Latin praenomen Μᾶρκος, which suggests that the subject named may be identical with the hierophant of B.8
Bibliography: Reynolds-Kenrick, 2015 I.6-8, CG615 + CG8 + CG7 + CG 97 + CG146
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).
None available (2020).