IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

A.55. Funerary inscription

Description: Façade of a rock-cut tomb.
Text: Inscribed on the façade.
Letters: First century CE; cursive omega, lunate epsilon and sigma. L for ἔτους and ἐτῶν; the last two letters of line 3 badly aligned.

Date: 48 CE

Findspot: Apollonia: West Necropolis: the only cemetery from which inscriptions have been recorded in situ, but it has been almost completely destroyed since 1911. It may have been a Jewish burial-place. Recorded by Norton in 1909; not found since.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location: Findspot (1909).


(ἔτουϲ) {ο} ημ´ Φα[μ](ενὼτ) ((dipunct)) κγ´
(ἐτῶν) ε´




1: ἔτουϲ οη΄, Φαλ(μουθί) κγ΄ Robinson, 1913
3: δημοϲίων ων whence Sammelbuch Robinson, 1913; corrected Robert, 1968
4: (ἔτους) Robinson, 1913; corrected Sammelbuch

German translation

Translation source: Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983

(Jahr) 78, 23.Pharmuthi (?); Bereneika der Steuereinnehmer, 4 (Jahre)

English translation

Translation by: Joyce M. Reynolds

Year 78, Phamenoth 23: Berenika (scil. slave) of the (scil. Roman) company of tax-collectors, aged 5.


Probably 78 of the Actian era, Phamenoth or Phamenouthi 23 = 19th March or 18th April, CE 48.

Applebaum regarded the child as Jewish. Her name alone is hardly sufficient evidence, but seven-branched candlesticks have been recorded in this cemetery and A.62 certainly contains Jewish names.

This is the only epigraphic evidence for publicani at Apollonia; they may have been concerned with public estates in the area, (see nos. A.25, A.50 and A.51 for estates in the immediate neighborhood, at any rate until the time of Vespasian, or with taxation, especially the collection of harbor-dues.

Bibliography: Robinson, 1913, 73, from Norton, with a drawing, whence Sammelbuch, I.5914, Applebaum, 1954, 18, , Robert, 1968, 436-439. From all these Reynolds, 1976, 77, whence SEG 27.1159, Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983, 4.
Text constituted from: From previous publications (Reynolds)


None available (2020).