Description: Rock-cut tomb, with the door mouldings cut out in relief;
the lintel (w:
1.18 x h:
1.80) is designed with two fasciae;
there are niches within the tomb.
Text: Inscribed on the door mouldings, i. above and ii. to the left of the door.
Letters: Apparently of the imperial period; square sigma. i is written horizontally, 0.08, ii written vertically, 0.06
Date: First - third century CE
Apollonia:West Necropolis.
Recorded in 1904, precise findspot not stated.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
Findspot (1988).
i: Αὐσ/ii: Written vertically. καὶ Ἐκλογὴ τ[ου] Λουκᾶ Van Buren, 1908 whence Λουκάς lgpn:V1-62112
German translation
Translation source: Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983
des Aulos des Auscolenos und Egloge des Lukas.
English translation
Translation by: Joyce M. Reynolds
(scil. Tomb) of Aulos Auskolenos (i.e. Aulus Aesculenus) and of Egloge (scil. daughter) of Aulus . . .
The names in i are otherwise unattested in Cyrenaica; Ausculenus suggest family origins in Ausculum.
For the names, which might be Jewish, see Lüderitz loc.cit.
Bibliography: Van Buren, 1908, 36, whence Sammelbuch, I.224, Applebaum, 1954, 2145, Reynolds, 1976, 84, whence SEG 27.1156, Lüderitz-Reynolds, 1983 3.
Text constituted from: From previous publications, transcription (Reynolds).