Description: Block in the internal wall.
Text: Painted: a. To the right of a figure of an armed man with his left hand resting on a shield; b. To the left of an armed man;
c. Beside a figure wearing a crown.
Letters: Probably first to second century: lunate epsilon, lunate sigma, cursive omega.
Date: Probably first to second century CE
Amphitheatre, in the corridor of the podium; found in 1935.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
b: χήσει suggesting [εὐτυ]χήσει. Caputo, 1955 Perhaps [ἀγαθῆι τύ]χηι Σε[ι...] c: so Robert; εὐτύχῳ φιλοτά[τῳ, χῖτε], Caputo.English translation
Translation by: Editors
(a) . . . ] kairos
(b) To/for/by good fortune
( c) For Eutychos and Philotas and Rufus - may you have good luck.
The figures, interpreted as huntsmen by Caputo, are more probably gladiators. He argues for a Severan date.
a. Perhaps a name or part of a name, cf. Καλοκαιρός, rather than a divinity as Caputo suggests.
Bibliography: Caputo, 1954, 62, and fig. 48, and more fully Caputo, 1955, 285-7, and pl. XXVI, 2, whence Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1955.277, SEG 16.874, PHI 324359.
Text constituted from: a and c from previous publications; b transcribed by Reynolds.