Description: Sandstone block (w:
1.00 x h:
0.37 x d:
Text: Inscribed on one face, which is badly bamaged in the centre.
Letters: 0.04; lunate sigma; cursive omega.
Date: First century BCE to first century CE
Late Baths, Frigidarium (room 6), in the south wall; found in 1957.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
1: ]ΟϹΚΟϹ[ . . . . . . ].ΙΩΝΟϹ Kraeling, 1962
English translation
Translation by: Editors
. . . ?Ph]osko[s (scil. son) of Sera]pion
One of the many fragments of ephebic texts found in the baths, P.178 to P.198.
There is probably a break between Σ and Κ; but a name like Φοσκος is not impossible.
Bibliography: Kraeling, 1962, 31.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).