Description: Fragment from the side of a marble
panel (w:
0.05 x h:
0.25 x d:
Text: Inscribed on one face within a moulded border.
Letters: 0.01.
Date: Probably first century BCE to first century CE
Late Baths, in the fill along the south side of the Frigidarium (Room 6); found in 1957.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Tolmeita Museum
3: Π[ Kraeling, 1962
7: ΒΑϹ[ Kraeling, 1962
8: ΚΕ[ Kraeling, 1962 ; Κ[ Kraeling, 1962
English translation
Translation by: Editors
(Not usefully translatable.)
Kraeling, who wrongly read ΒΑϹ̣ in line 7, possibly indicating βασ̣[ιλεύς, suggested that the panel might have recorded the texts of royal edicts or letters. It is possible that it contained a formal document or documents; but the layout suggests strongly that lines 7 ff. contained a list of names - so that it was perhaps an ephebic document, with preamble in lines 1-6 and the list following after a gap. It is probably to be associated with the many fragments of ephebic texts found in the baths, P.178 to P.198
Bibliography: Kraeling, 1962, 41.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).