Description: Circular pedestal, moulded above and decorated below the moulding with a band of pattern based on triglyphs and metopes (h:
2.00 x diam.:
c. 0.08)
Text: Inscribed within three of the metopes (each w:
0.155 x h:
Date: First century BCE - third century CE
Street of the Monuments north side, at a corner of a cross-street; found in 1935
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
(Not usefully translatable)
Line 1 - 3 perhaps ό(ρος) ε´ or a compound of ὀδος followed by the figure. On the basis of Beechey's readings this might be a name, Θεοδοσ-
Bibliography: Apparently the same as a text recorded by Beechey, Thorn, 2006, X , whence SEG 56.2036
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).