Description: Sandstone block.
Text: Graffiti on one face, probably cut before the stones were quarried as blocks,
in at least six hands; ii to the right of i and iii to the right of ii, but not aligned; iv upside down to i; vi on a diffferent
alignment from any of the others.
Letters: i: 0.08-0.09; ii: 0.08-0.09, lunate sigma; iii: 0.08-0.09; iv: line 1, 0.09, line 2 0.09, square sigma; v: 0.095; vi: 0.11.
lunate sigma, omega.
Date: First to second century
Findspot: South of Berenike:
Corniclanum/Ajdabia, re-used in a building.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
vi: Before Α was a letter which appears to have embodied a rounded elementEnglish translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
i, ii: (not usefully translatable); iii: ?Pto[lemaios], soldier. iv. . . . ] Year 72 [ . . . ; v: . . . -]erios; vi: . . . -]arkes, I came here.
No comment (2020).
Bibliography: Mentioned Kenrick, 2013, 21
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).