IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.92. Building inscription of the Nomophylakeion by Domitian

Description: Three damaged limestone architrave blocks from the of the portico of the Nomophylakeion (a: w: 0.98 x h: 0.37 x d: 0.55; b: w: 1.99 x h: 0.41 x d: 0.55; c: w: 1.50 x h: 0.34 x d: 0.58).
Text: Inscribed on one face, which has been badly worn since discovery; letters only seen by the previous editor are underlined.
Letters: First century CE; line 1, 0.14; line 2, 0.085; superscript bars above the figures.

Date: CE 86-94

Findspot: Cyrene: Nomophylakeion: found in 1919, the first two in the portico, the third in the hall.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location: Findspot (2008)


Imp(erator) Caesa[r diui Ve]spasia[ni f(ilius)] ⟦Domitia[nus]⟧ [Aug(ustus) Germani]c̣us p(ontifex) m(aximus) tribuṇ(icia) pot(estate) [---]
( vac. 10) [Imp(erator) c. 1 - 4]II co(n)s(ul) [..] p̣(ater) p(atriae) censor perpe[tuus ---]


                    [....c. 1 - 4]IICOS.[··].PCENSORPERPE[....---]

English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

Emperor Caesar, son of the [deified] Vespasian, Domitian [Augustus, victor in Germa]ny, high priest (i.e. pontifex maximus), holding tribunician [power for the -th time, acclaimed Imperator for the -]th time, consul for the tenth (or more) time, father of the country, perpetual censor [ . . .


Line 2: the superscript bar shows that at least one figure is missing before the break. Domitian was consul for the tenth time (COS X) on 1st Jan 84, but there is space for approximately two more figures in the gap. If it was filled, as seems probable, the possibilities lie between XII and XIV, 1st Jan 86 - 31st Dec 94, a period during which he was Imp. XII, XIII, XIIII in 86-87, XVII, XVIII, XVIIII in 88, 89 and XXII from the 1st July 93; the inscription must therefore have been cut either between 86 and 89 (before he became Imp. XX and omitting those months of 88 when he was Imp XV and XVI) or between 1st July 93 and 31st Dec 94.

Perhaps restituit or restitui iussit, since the building clearly existed before Domitian; but the portico may have been new and if so the verb was perhaps simply dedit.

Bibliography: Ghislanzoni, 1925, 415-6, whence AE 1927.142, whence EDH 025375.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Block a (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 2. Block b (Department of Antiquities, F 31-379)

   Fig. 3. Block c (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 4. Blocks c and a (2008, H.Walda)