Description: Rock-cut tomb complex, made up of two tombs,
one containing a and b, the other c and d.
Text: First tomb: inscribed on the internal walls
a on the left wall: 1 at the left on entering; 2 above the entrance to the fourth loculus; 3 above the entrance to the fifth
b on the right wall: 1 above the entrance to the first loculus; 2 between the entrance to the fifth and sixth loculus. Second
c on the left wall, over the second loculus (IGCyr007400 is cut to the left over the first loculus);
d on the right wall, over the second loculus (IGCyr007300 is cut to the right over the first loculus).
Letters: Perhaps first century CE: a.1, 0.04-0.05; a.2, 0.022; b.1, 0.08-0.09; b.2, 0.09; c, 0.02; d, 0.01-0.012. Lunate epsilon, lunate
sigma in a.1, lunate epsilon, cursive omega in b.2.
Date: Perhaps first century CE
South Necropolis, S.9, on the north side of the old road from Cyrene to Beida,
just beside the milestone.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location:
a.2: The first Φ, which is out of alignment, may represent a false start.
d.1: Ἐχεμήδαϲ Pacho, 1827; Ἐχεμήδα SECir, 1961-1962
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
(a.1): (scil. Tomb of) Mnasitimos. (a.2): Aristarchos (scil. son) of Pantaleon. (a.3): (scil. Tomb of) Philutas.
(b.2): Leon
(c): (scil. Tomb of) Labromeia
(d): (scil. Tomb of) Echemeda (scil. daughter?) of Timokrateia
d: Masson (loc. cit.) suggests that this may be the tomb of two deceased women, rather than that of a woman named with her matronymic (as LGPN tentatively suggests).
Bibliography: c and d only: Pacho, 1827, LXVI.1, first and second texts, whence CIG, Vol.III, 5157 a, b; all recorded by Oliverio, whence SECir, 1961-1962, 199a, i, k, f, g, c, d (from drawings, T.XII 87v-89v); discussed by Masson, 1965, 218-9. For the tombs, Cassels, 1955, S.9, Thorn, 2009, 209-10, with transcriptions..
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).