Description: Fragment of whitish limestone
0.17 x h:
0.145 x d:
0.12). Stained brown and heavily encrusted.
Text: Inscribed on the face.
Letters: 0.052; letters, if ancient, Latin and certainly not earlier than first century CE, on a lightly incised guide-line. It is
not impossible that they are modern (of the Italian period), although the encrustation is against that.
Date: Perhaps first to second centuries CE
Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore:
found re-used in modern wall, south of the Sanctuary.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location:
Cyrene Museum, Storeroom of the American excavations
(Inv. no. 71-695)
Probably from regio, a region, or regius, royal, as used in some inscriptions concerning land inherited by Rome from the last king of Cyrenaica (e.g. under Vespasian M.232, M.239).
Bibliography: Reynolds, 2012, A.32.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).
None available (2020).