IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.343. Fragmentary date

Description: Rock-cut channel, with multiple informal inscriptions, C.336 to C.392; some are traced in the mud that coats the walls of the channel, others have been modelled by attaching strips of clay or mud to the rock.
Text: Graffito.
Letters: Fine lettering ('bei caratteri'; lunate epsilon.

Date: CE 303/4

Findspot: Cyrene: Fountain of Apollo, in rock-cut channel behind the fountain; first described in 1822, but not fully recorded until 1916.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location: Fountain of Apollo. no longer accessible.


(ἔτους) θι´ ἐπὶ [ἱερέως ---]


L ΘΙΕΠΙ[......---]

Italian translation

Translation source: Oliverio, 1927a

Nell'anno 19: essendo sacerdote etc.

English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

Year 19, in the priesthood of [?


For commentary on this series see on C.336

Year 19, presumably of Diocletian, see = 303/4.

Bibliography: First mentioned in 1822, but not fully recorded until 1916. Oliverio, 1927a, 15-16, p.222, with a drawing, p.225 tav.III, fig.8, whence SEG 9.259, PHI 324108.
Text constituted from: From previous publications, drawings and photographs (Reynolds).


None available (2020).