IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.322. Building inscription for the Aqua Augusta

Description: Rectangular marble block broken in two (w: 1.76 x h: 0.32 x d: 0.57). There is a square depression on top.
Text: Inscribed on one face. At the end of line 1 the letters PRO seem to have been erased, perhaps because of lack of space; line 2, in much smaller letters, seems to have been inserted.
Letters: First century: line 1, 0.11; line 2, 0.045; line 3, 0.06; line 4, 0.05; dots for stops between words in lines 1-3.

Date: Augustan - first century CE

Findspot: Cyrene: Fountain Terrace, beside a masonry pier (since removed) built up against one of the basins at the East end: Found in 1936.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location: Fountain Terrace.


C(aius) Clodius C(aii) f(ilius) Vestalis
( vac. 5) pro ( vac. 3) co(n)s(ul) ( vac. 5)
( vac. 3) aquam Augustam ( vac. 3) restituit ( vac. 3)
Οὐεστάλις ἀνθύπατος ὕδωρ Σεβαστὸν ἀποκατέστησεν


          PRO      COS          

English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

(Latin) C(aius) Clodius Vestalis, son of C(aius), proconsul, restored the Water of Augustus.

(Greek)Vestalis, proconsul, restored the Water of Augustus.


C. Vestalis: PIR2, C 1192, also in C.113 (where see discussion), C.115, C.116.

For the expression 'water of Augustus', for a construction by an Augustus, Robert compares 'water of Trajan', Τραιανοῦ ὕδατος, describing the aqueduct built by Trajan at Smyrna, ISmyrna 681.a (at PHI 254944), and the Σεβαστὸν ὑδραγωγῖον, 'Augustan water system' dedicated to Domitian at Anazarbos, IK Anazarbos 20 (at PHI 3115904)

The precise character of the waterways here - perhaps the systematisation of a spring - is not clear.

Bibliography: Arch.Anz. 1938, 731, (giving Latin text only), whence AE 1939.119, cited by Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1954.278; Oliverio, 1940, 402;SECir, 1961-1962, 170, fig 132 (from T. XVI 34), whence Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1964.573; Stucchi, 1975 214-215; fig. 204; Paci, 1978, 272-273, whence AE 1981.858, whence EDH 004213; discussed Struffolino, 2014, 370; mentioned Kenrick, 2013, 218.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Face (Department of Antiquities, E.2615)

   Fig. 2. Face, at excavation (1936 August 25; Department of Antiquities, E.2499)