IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.278. Honours for Archippe

Description: Plinth below the stool of a seated female statue (total: w: 0.69 x h: 1.20; base: w: 0.21 x h: 0.07).
Text: Inscribed on the face of the plinth. The inscription had been damaged when rediscovered by Thorn in 1996.
Letters: First century CE; 0.02.

Date: First century CE

Findspot: Cyrene: in the debris of the Temple of Apollo (1822).
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location: At the foot of the Sacred Way, midway between the Tomb of Residence and the Temple of Apollo (2008)


Ἀρχίππα̣ν̣ Π̣τολεμαίου
συνιεριτ̣εύουϲαν Πτ̣ολε[μαίῳ]




ΑΡΧΙΠΠΑΝΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ | ΕΥΙΝΙΕΡΙΤΕΥΟΥΣΑΝΠΤΟΛΕ Smith-Porcher, 1864 ; συνιεριτεύοισαν Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique

English translation

Translation by: Editors

(scil. Honours for) Archippa (scil. daughter) of Ptolemaios, acting as priestess with Ptolemaios


See Thorn, art. cit.

Bibliography: Recorded in 1819 by Fr. Pacifico da Monte Cassiano and passed to Pietro Negri, Sardinian consul in Tripoli, whence CIG, Vol.III, 5130; transcribed in letters by Smith to Newton, Thorn, 2007, 125, and published Smith-Porcher, 1864, 75; republished from a photograph Reynolds in Thorn, 1999, 74-5, whence SEG 49.2362., Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique, 2000.742.
Text constituted from: Previous publication, photograph, transcription(Reynolds).


   Fig. 1. Monument, face (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 2. Monument, left side (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 3. Monument, right side (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 4. Monument, rear view (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 5. Text on plinth (2008, H.Walda)

   Fig. 6. Text on plinth (2008, H.Walda)