Description: Upper part of a column of brown
0.49 x diam.:
Text: Inscribed on the column.
Letters: 0.05-0.06.
Date: CE 305-306
Found near Apollonia with A.69, near the modern Christian cemetery,
one Roman mile from mile-station XIV.
Original location: Cyrene to Apollonia to Derna road, Mile XV.
Last recorded location:
Apollonia Museum, 2008.
English translation
Translation by: Joyce M. Reynolds
For our Lords Constantius and Maximianus, Emperors, and Severus and Maximinus, most noble [Caesars].
This is dated under the second tetrarchy, so between May 305, when Diocletian and Maximian retired and the death of Constantius, in July 306.
Bibliography: Mentioned by Oliverio, DAI, 1933-1936, 246; published by Goodchild, 1950, 10b.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds, Tupman).