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Seats in the Theatre.
Text: Inscribed on the risers. Given the rough cutting and the present condition of the
stone, which is often badly worn and damaged, many of the readings are most
unsatisfactory. In different lights it might be possible to improve them or add
to the record. For the transcription given, the rows have been numbered from
the orchestra upwards and the cunei from East to the west.
Letters: Many probably pre-Roman, but too rough to date with any confidence: sizes very variable.
Date: Many probably pre-Roman.
Apollonia: Theatre;
found in 1961.
Original location: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
Translation by: Joyce M. Reynolds
Not usefully translatable
Presumably from the name of individuals or groups to whom the seat was allotted.
Given the rough cutting and the present condition of the stone, which is often badly worn and damaged, many of the readings are most unsatisfactory. In different lights it might be possible to improve them or add to the record.
Bibliography: Reynolds, 1976, 58, whence SEG 27.1141.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).
None available (2020).