Description: Block of sandstone
1.25 x h:
0.47 x d:
Text: Inscribed on one face whose surface is badly damaged.
Letters: Second-third century CE, 0.08.
Date: Second to third centuries CE
Apollonia: photographed in 1930. Unrecorded but
probably the East Church, the only area being excavated at the time of recording.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location:
Outside the Cyrene Sculpture Museum.
English translation
Translation by: Joyce M. Reynolds
. . . ] of Marc- Aureli- Antonin- [ . . .
Line 1: Either a single emperor, τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶ]ν or plural emperors, Αὐτοκρατόρων Καισάρω]ν; if the former the emperor is probably Marcus Aurelius or Caracalla, if the latter, the choice lies between Aurelius and Verus, Aurelius and Commodus and Caracalla and Geta.
Line 2: Possibly τ[ὸ τ]εμενος το[ῦ . . . the traces are not compatible with δεδειγμένος.
Bibliography: Reynolds, 1976, 19, whence SEG 27.1134.
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).