IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

M.221. Mile IV: Milestone of Vespasian

Description: Lower part of a limestone column with cubical base (h: 0.35, + base 0.52 x diam.: 0.59).
Text: Inscribed on the face
Letters: No description

Date: 77/78 CE

Findspot: Gebel Akhdar: West of Cyrene: Bir Sebil, where the old road from Cyrene to Beida joins the modern highway; photographed in 1928.
Original location: Cyrene-Ptolemais road, Mile IV.
Last recorded location: Cyrene Museum.


[ἐκέλ]ευ[σεν διὰ]
Λ(ουκίου) Μινι[κίου] Ῥούφου
[.. ἀν]θυπάτου [..]
( vac. 6) δ´ ( vac. 6)



1: or ἐπισκ]ευ[άσαι ἐκέλευσεν

English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

Emperor Vespasian . . . ]ordered [the making of roads by the agency of] L(ucius) Minicius Rufus, proconsul. Mile 4.


For the date and the formulae see M.199, under the same proconsul, Lucius Minicius Rufus PIR2, M 626; for a Minicius Rufus with, apparently, the praenomen of Aulus see on C.273.

Bibliography: Goodchild, 1950, 18, pp. 83-91 5, whence AE 1951.209, SEG 13.619, Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1953.250
Text constituted from:


   Fig. 1. Face