IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

C.333. Restoration inscription

Description: Rock-cut tank; C.332 is inscribed on the internal wall, C.333, C.334 and C.335 on the floor.
Text: Inscribed on the floor.
Letters: First century CE: 0.12 - 0.15.

Date: First century CE

Findspot: Cyrene: Fountain of Apollo, the tank receiving the water.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location: Fountain of Apollo


Μ(ᾶρκος) Ἀντώνιος Μ(άρκῳ) Ἀν[τω]νίωι τοῦ Φλάμμαι Γεμέλλου υἱὸς
Μάξιμος ἱαρεύς



English translation

Translation by: Editors

M(arkos) Antonios Maximos(i.e. M(arcus) Antonius Maximus), son of M(arkos) Antonios Gemellos (i.e. M(arcus) Antonius Gemellus) (scil. son) of Flamma (i.e. Flamma), priest


The change from the Doric forms of C.332 to the κοινή forms of C.333 is noteworthy.

Bibliography: Text given in a footnote on SECir, 1961-1962, 112 (from Oliverio, notebook XV, page 83, dated 30 October)
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


None available (2020).