IRCyr   Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

A.41. Christian prayer

Description: Fragment of a coarse ceramic (w: 0.05 x h: 0.03).
Text: Inscribed before firing.
Letters: 0.008; lunate epsilon, cursive omega.

Date: Fourth to sixth century CE

Findspot: Apollonia: Central Church; found probably in 1961.
Original location: Unknown.
Last recorded location: Apollonia Museum.


[---] Κ(ύρι)ε βω[ήθει]
[---] το̣̣͂ δούλ̣[ο͂ ϲοῦ]
[---] Λ̣έονι Ν[---]




3: There seems to be a stop and a rather broad space after ι; but it may be that the name continued.

English translation

Translation source: Reynolds-Ward-Perkins-Goodchild, 2003

Lord, help your servant Leo [?son of N-]


No comment (2020).

Bibliography: Reynolds, 1976, 50, whence SEG 27.1179; Reynolds-Ward-Perkins-Goodchild, 2003, 77; mentioned Kenrick, 2013, 283
Text constituted from: Transcription (Reynolds).


None available (2020).