Current filters
- C.1. Decree of honours by the Athenians for Philoxenos son of Philiskos from Cyrene
- C.100. Fragmentary prayer
- C.101. Edicts of Augustus
- C.103. List of priestesses of Hera
- C.110. Honours for Antoninus Pius
- C.123. Ephebic names
- C.124. Ephebic names
- C.128. Fragmentary building inscription
- C.129. Honours for T. Claudius Kartisthenes Euphranor
- C.130. List of priestesses of Hera
- C.131. Ephebic list
- C.132. Honours for Cornelius Marcellinus
- C.135. Fragmentary decree of honours
- C.137. Fragmentary honours
- C.138. Fragmentary building text
- C.139. Fragmentary sculptor's signature
- C.14. Honours for Hadrian
- C.141. Fragmentary list of priests of Apollo
- C.143. Ephebic list
- C.145. Ephebic list
- C.146. Fragmentary prayer for the safety of the Emperor
- C.148. Dedication by the ephoroi
- C.149. Dedication, probably by the ephoroi
- C.152. Ephebic dedication
- C.153. Regulations for the cult of Isis
- C.159. Funerary inscriptions
- C.163. Dossier of imperial rescripts of Hadrian and Antoninus
- C.168. Fragmentary military funerary inscription
- C.173. Honours for Commodus
- C.174. Fragmentary dedication
- C.175. Imperial dedication for Diocletian and Maximian
- C.178. Fragmentary imperial honours for a Flavian emperor
- C.179. Fragment
- C.185. Funerary inscription for a soldier
- C.186. Fragment
- C.187. Fragmentary imperial title
- C.188. Fragments
- C.189. Fragmentary imperial title
- C.190. Fragmentary imperial title
- C.191. Fragments from a ?building inscription
- C.200. Fragmentary imperial honours for a Flavian emperor
- C.201. Imperial honours for Antoninus Pius
- C.203. Fragmentary decree
- C.212. Honours for Arsinoa daughter of Zenion
- C.219. Fragmentary list of priests of Apollo
- C.220. Dedication of an image of Artemis
- C.221. Dedication to Artemis, with list of priestesses.
- C.223. List of priests of Apollo
- C.23. List of names and ?reserved places
- C.232. Dedication of an image of Athena to Apollo
- C.24. Caption for a statue of Kalliope
- C.25. Caption for a statue of Klio
- C.26. Caption for a statue of Euterpe
- C.269. Honours for Asklapos, priest of Apollo
- C.27. Caption for a statue of Thalia
- C.270. Dedication of a statue
- C.275. Fragmentary imperial titulature
- C.276. Decrees in honour of Barkaios
- C.277. Fragmentary building inscription
- C.28. Caption for a statue of Melpomene
- C.288. Dedication to Apollo on behalf of Nero
- C.29. Caption for a statue of Polymnia
- C.292. Building inscription for the restoration of the temple of Hekate
- C.294. Building inscription from ?a temple
- C.30. Fragmentary building inscription
- C.31. Fragmentary building inscription
- C.319. Dedication on behalf of Augustus
- C.32. Fragments
- C.329. Dedication for Apollo
- C.33. Fragmentary list of priests
- C.330. Dedication of an image of Ammon
- C.34. Caption for a statue
- C.35. Caption for a statue
- C.39. Fragmentary decree of honours by the Jewish politeuma
- C.397. Posthumous honours for Kudimacha
- C.399. Fragmentary imperial honours
- C.401. Fragmentary imperial dedication
- C.402. Fragmentary imperial honours
- C.403. Fragmentary list of ?priests
- C.404. Fragmentary list of ?priests
- C.405. Fragmentary list of ?priests
- C.406. Fragmentary list of ?priests
- C.407. Fragmentary building inscription
- C.408. Fragmentary building inscription
- C.409. Fragmentary building inscription
- C.41. Honours for Claudia Arata
- C.412. Fragmentary name
- C.414. Fragmentary list of names
- C.415. Fragmentary list of names
- C.42. Fragmentary dedication of a statue - of the Graces?
- C.421. Dedication of cult statue of Zeus
- C.422. Dedication to Zeus Olympios
- C.423. List of priestesses ?of Hera
- C.431. Ephebic list
- C.432. Dedication to Hermes and Herakles
- C.433. Ephebic names
- C.436. Fragmentary building inscription
- C.445. Dedication for Aretaphila
- C.446. Honours for a woman
- C.450. Honours for Mnaso
- C.451. Fragmentary dedication
- C.452. Fragmentary dedication
- C.453. Honours for Octavia
- C.454. Fragment
- C.455. Dedication to Ceres
- C.456. Dedication of a statue by Claudia Venusta
- C.462. Fragment of an official letter
- C.463. Fragment
- C.464. Fragmentary dedication
- C.466. Funerary relief
- C.467. Funerary relief
- C.468. Fragmentary funerary inscription
- C.469. Dedication of a statue of Kore
- C.47. Honours for Gaius Clodius
- C.470. Fragment
- C.471. Fragment
- C.472. Fragmentary ?dedication
- C.473. Fragments
- C.474. Fragment
- C.475. Fragment
- C.476. Fragment
- C.477. Fragment
- C.478. Fragment
- C.48. List of priests of Apollo
- C.480. Fragment
- C.481. Fragment
- C.483. Fragment
- C.485. Fragment
- C.486. Fragment
- C.488. Fragment
- C.491. Name
- C.493. Fragment
- C.495. Dedication of a statue of Demeter and a shrine
- C.497. Dedication of a statue of Parthenos and a shrine
- C.51. Dedication of ephebic monument to Hermes and Herakles
- C.515. Funerary genealogy, Tomb S.4
- C.517. Funerary inscription, Tomb S.14
- C.52. Ephebic name
- C.53. Acclamation
- C.538. Fragmentary funerary inscription or commemoration
- C.54. Ephebic names
- C.549. Fragmentary ?dedication
- C.55. Ephebic title
- C.553. Fragmentary honours
- C.56. Ephebic names
- C.566. Funerary inscription, Tomb N.66
- C.597. Funerary inscriptions
- C.599. Caption for the statue of an athlete
- C.607. Funerary inscriptions
- C.611. Funerary inscription for Mnaso
- C.612. Funerary inscription for Damo
- C.613. Funerary inscriptions
- C.614. Funerary inscriptions
- C.619. Funerary inscription
- C.623. Funerary inscription
- C.647. 1. Dedication of ephebic monument to Hermes and Herakles; 2-4: Ephebic texts
- C.65. Fragmentary inscription of Hesychios
- C.652. Dedication (?)
- C.653. Fragmentary list
- C.654. Fragmentary list of names
- C.655. Fragmentary list of names
- C.656. Fragmentary list of names
- C.657. Fragmentary list of names
- C.658. Fragmentary list of names
- C.659. Fragment
- C.661. Fragmentary dedication for a ?statue
- C.662. Dedication to Priapos
- C.663. Dedication to the Samothracian Father
- C.664. Imperial ?building dedication
- C.665. Fragmentary ?dedication
- C.666. Fragmentary ?dedication
- C.667. Fragmentary list
- C.668. Fragmentary list of ?priestesses
- C.671. Fragmentary imperial ?honours
- C.672. Fragmentary imperial ?titulature
- C.674. Fragmentary honours for ?Antoninus Pius
- C.676. Fragmentary ?imperial ?honours
- C.677. Fragmentary imperial ?honours
- C.678. Fragmentary imperial honours
- C.679. Fragmentary imperial ?honours
- C.680. Fragmentary imperial ?honours
- C.681. Imperial honours
- C.682. Imperial honours
- C.683. Fragmentary imperial ?honours
- C.684. Fragmentary imperial honours
- C.685. Fragmentary imperial honours
- C.686. Fragmentary imperial ?honours
- C.687. Fragmentary account of contributions to an aqueduct
- C.688. Decree by an association of Roman citizens
- C.689. Fragmentary official document
- C.691. Fragmentary document
- C.692. Fragmentary decree
- C.693. Fragmentary ?decree
- C.694. Fragmentary ?building inscription
- C.696. Fragmentary name
- C.697. Fragmentary name
- C.698. Fragmentary building inscription
- C.699. Fragmentary building inscription
- C.700. Fragmentary building inscription
- C.701. Fragmentary ephebic list
- C.702. Fragmentary ephebic list
- C.703. Fragmentary ephebic list
- C.705. Fragmentary list of names
- C.706. Fragmentary list of names
- C.707. Fragmentary ?list of names
- C.709. Fragment
- C.711. Acclamation for a bridal couple
- C.713. Fragmentary names
- C.714. Fragment with name
- C.715. Fragmentary name
- C.716. Fragment with name
- C.717. Fragmentary name
- C.718. Fragmentary name
- C.720. Fragmentary name
- C.721. Fragmentary name
- C.722. Fragments with names
- C.723. Fragment
- C.724. Fragments
- C.728. Funerary inscription
- C.729. Funerary list
- C.730. Funerary inscription
- C.737. Fragmentary civic decree of honours for Alexis
- C.739. Funerary inscription
- C.74. Acclamation for Hesychios
- C.741. Caption for a bust
- C.743. ?Funerary fragment
- C.744. ?Funerary fragment
- C.745. ?Funerary inscription
- C.75. Dedication to Gordian
- C.750. a. Honours for a soldier; b and c. Names
- C.752. Imperial dedication
- C.756. Dedication to Iatros and Iaso
- C.758. Funerary inscription
- C.759. Ephebic names
- C.76. Dedication to Hermes and Herakles
- C.77. Fragmentary ?name
- C.78. Ephebic names
- C.79. Ephebic names
- C.80. Ephebic names
- C.81. Ephebic names
- C.82. Ephebic names
- C.83. Ephebic name
- C.84. Traces of ?names
- C.85. Traces of names
- C.90. Monogram on a relief
- C.93. Dedication of a statue of Apollo by nomophylakes
- C.95. Dedication of a statue of Aphrodite by nomophylakes